Daily Star

TV star avoids drink in case he gets sick

- ■ by ALEXANDER BROWN alex.brown@dailystar.co.uk

THIS Morning presenter Eamonn Holmes has never been drunk.

The 59-year-old says he has a phobia of being sick.

And the condition – called emetophobi­a – means he barely touches a drop of booze.

Eamonn said: “I ask myself sometimes why I don’t drink, because people think it’s odd.

“The amount of people who tell my wife: ‘Oh I went on a pub crawl with your husband, we got lashed, we were floored, we were this, we were that.’

“And Ruth knows it never happened because I don’t drink. I can honestly say I’ve never been drunk in my life, I’ve been maybe tiddly a couple of times, but I’ve never been drunk or out of control.”

Eamonn, who will be celebratin­g his 60th birthday in December, said he has control issues. He added: “You say ‘why?’ Well, one day I was on Radio 2 and I was interviewi­ng a psychiatri­st, and he said to me: ‘Do you drink?’ and I said: ‘No, I don’t,’ and he said: ‘That’s because you don’t like to be out of control.

“I said: ‘No, it’s also because I have a fear of vomiting – emetophobi­a – a real fear.’

“I would do anything, I would have a sore tummy for years, I don’t care what end it comes out as long as it doesn’t come out of my mouth.

“He basically said that’s a control thing as well. He said: ‘You do not want to be out of control.’ When you’re throwing up you’re out of control.”

Eamonn, who worked in a bar as a teenager, added that seeing school pals sozzled also put him off.

He said: “I went to a boysonly school and they all wanted to get rat-a**ed and drink and I thought: ‘I see nothing attractive about this, they’re lying in the corner throwing up, that’s what they’re doing.’”

 ??  ?? DRY: Eamonn will not drink
DRY: Eamonn will not drink

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