Daily Star

World beater Greta’s a cause for concern


IT was the look of pure hatred and disdain on her face that did it. Schoolgirl activist Greta Thunberg may abhor climate change but I’m thinking there’s one thing

she despises more – adults.

The 16-year-old pigtailed Swede’s latest display of fear and loathing came at this week’s UN climate Action summit in New York. “YOU have stolen my dreams, my childhood,” she snarled at her already-on-board audience.

“Yet I’m one of the lucky ones. People are suffering, people are dying, entire ecosystems are collapsing… and all you can talk about is money. How DARE you?

“If you choose to fail us I say we will never forgive you. We will not let you get away with this.”

Jesus. So much venom and fury in one so young. And is she actually threatenin­g us? It’s like a remake of Children Of The Damned.

Yes, climate change is happening, no-one sane is denying that. It’s happened for millennia but we’re putting it on speed dial.

And, of course, Greta, inset, has a right to protest and all those – weirdly – mostly middle-aged men bullying a teenage girl is a bit gamey to say the least. But Greta’s animosity and coldness isn’t helping her cause.

She’s turning a genuine concern into something resembling a death cult subscribed to by a wide-eyed and impression­able – not to mention very young – audience.

During the latest march against climate change – why are they always on school days and never weekends? – little kids were literally shaking with fear, convinced they were about to burn to death within a few years.

Incredibly, their too “woke” for their own good parents simply nodded approvingl­y rather than comforting their children.

Seriously, who gets off on having a nipper living in permanent terror they are going to die?

There’s enough to worry about when you grow up – and yes, they will get to grow up – so go play on your bike and enjoy freedom only childhood can bring.

But that’s gone now. Even being a toddler means you have a toxic brain fog foisted on you. Witness the youngster proudly being carried on a parent’s shoulders, clutching a banner bearing the words “F *** Boris” in their chubby little hands.

Can’t work out what’s worse. Writing that out as an adult and letting your offspring carry it or encouragin­g a child to write it out themselves.

And when did the “F” word become acceptable for small children? F used to be for “frog” when I was a kid.

But that was then, this is now, and the divide between young and old has never been wider. Young Remainers wish older voters dead without so much as a flinch – Brexit sorted by the undertaker­s rather than politician­s. Showing contempt for your elders is the norm, displaying it positively encouraged. Pensioners aren’t folk who have contribute­d to this country for decades, they’re stupid, racist, Brexit-voting burdens who should now just disappear.

The irony of the older generation actually being totally green with food in paper bags, cars and television­s rarities and flying an expensive treat is lost on today’s angry, blamegame youngsters.

Kids who would, without doubt, struggle without their constantly-updated phones, cheap disposable clothing, fast food, social media via powerful satellites and endless foreign holidays.

Greta’s latest gambit is to file a lawsuit against France for producing high quantities of greenhouse gases.

President Macron warns she is just antagonisi­ng those she wants on board. And, just for once, he’s right.

She has also accused us – grown-ups – of “coming to young people for hope”.

Again using that threatenin­g “how dare you” phrase.

I don’t see hope in Greta. I see an anger that will eventually corrupt a once bright and positive mind to bitterness and bile.

She’s stealing her own childhood. And she’ll never get that back.

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