Daily Star



WHEN I was asked to perform a swift career change and take up a temporary role with Zippos Circus, it was with a mixture of trepidatio­n and excitement.

You need a range of different skills to be an assistant at one of Britain’s biggest entertainm­ent events. That includes a steady hand, razor-sharp reflexes and a fearless nature.

It quickly became apparent that I possess none of those.

Circus ringmaster Norman Barrett – who has been in charge of proceeding­s for 21 years – gave me one piece of advice and that was “to be brave”.

Easier said than done.


First things first, I stepped into the worryingly named Globe of Death.

I stood in the middle of the huge cage and said my prayers as two members from The Lucius Team, a group of fearless circus bikers, sped up and around me.

I was warned to keep my arms tight by my side.

As the cage seemed to get smaller and smaller, health and safety bosses did not need to worry about me flouting that regulation.

The day did not get any easier as a strapping performer named Toni – who assured me he was an expert –

flung a succession of knives past my head.

He clearly has a than me.

But I was still closing my eyes and hoping for the best.

Zippos received some bad press a couple of years ago for its use of animals after complaints by animal rights activists.

But Norman said the circus is not opposed to modernisin­g.

He said: “The days of wild animals are gone and they won’t return.

“I think it was inevitable, but I miss them being around and I know people in Germany with wild animals and they are so well looked steadier hand after.” I also had a go on the trapeze ropes and acrobatics.

But it is fair to say I am still looking for my specialise­d niche.

All of the highly skilled performers seem very nimble and fit, qualities this reporter certainly does not have.

Norman, who was awarded an MBE in 2010, has been working with the circus since the age of 10 and has been a clown, juggler, acrobat and, for the last 52 years, a ringmaster.

He was full of praise for the family feel around the troupe.

He added: “We have a lot of children on the show this year. One of the girls has a baby girl and she does an aerial act and while she’s in the ring, everybody helps look after the baby.

“It’s like an open house. I’ve done this all my life and we have everything we need.”

As we wrapped up a thoroughly entertaini­ng day, in which I also met contortion­ist Elbernel Ebby, Norman agreed that if I was to ever work at the circus, I should stick to serving the popcorn and drinks.

ZIPPOS Circus opens in Guildford tomorrow before continuing on its UK tour. For tour dates, show times and tickets visit zippos.co.uk.


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