Daily Star

Make millionair­e fiancé pay for ‘royal’ wedding


❑ jeremy vine reckons that cos that we taxpayers paid security 4 eugine’s wedding isn’t it only fair to pay 4 beatrice’s. No vine, let her millionair­e fiance and dad pay 4 it. swamp duck

❑ David Lammy MP: Why have you not complained about white saviour cuddling black child, is it because he’s a bit ginger or his royal highness, Prince harry, your silence is deafening. Firebird

❑ if a white presenter i.e danny baker had said about obama what munchetty said about trump he’d hav been sacked! trev

❑ All these mps dont have to worry about what things cost like us plebs because they are part of the rich elite and the old saying is true “Life is a sxxt sandwich and the more bread you’ve got the less sxxt you have to eat.” Satch Norfolk

❑ Gov “doesn’t know why” serious crime is on the rise, Tory austerity, simple, no ifs or buts. What an insult to the 110 murder victims families in London this year, time to take away the privileged Tory MPs Police protection and let them live in the real world of Tory cuts they created for us common people to live in, then they will soon get the answer to what they are looking for. Red fred

❑ the queen should dissolve parliament and give her subjects what they voted for out – out means out. derek chesterfie­ld

❑ The Supreme Court case that went against Johnson had NOTHING to do with Brexit so why are Brexiters screaming about the Judges being Remainers? Johnson LIED to the Queen and got found out. It’s as simple as that. Greville Franklin ❑ You lib dems make me sick you don’t want corbyn but I’ll bet you would jump into bed with tories if the right one came along just like 2010 and cameron. BIGT

❑ Jess Phillips you stated that you would stab jeremy corbyn with a knife in 2015. Lawman

❑ If Sturgeon is linking with Corbyn it makes sense for Johnson to link up with Farage. TONI

❑ With Boris in charge of Tories they just about get my vote. With Rudd or anyone else I will vote Brexit Party. Why Tories are not doing deal with them seems political suicide. TLB

❑ To all you brexiteers have you seen the upstanding pillars of society that are for it: katie hopkins and EDL morons. bt

❑ I take it all back on John Major, there was I saying he was a useless has been, when he pops up again saying Boris could use the Privy Council to dodge a Brexit extension. Cheers what a great idea. THE LAST BREXITEER

❑ Labour going to scrap universal credit hopefully those people who have been sanctioned and talked to like dirt at dwp take note of this and vote the right way for them after all the tory voters only look after their bank balances. bt

❑ Can we change it from house of commons to house of recalcitra­nts? Buster

❑ The brain dead morons sending bloke called Thomas Cook death threats are not only nutters, but as thick as two planks, Thomas Cook a cabinet maker who started the firm died 127 years ago. Mary

❑ The liquidator can demanad repayment of the millions former directors have taken in pay from thomas cook. Pay former employees wages, they’ve got mortgages and bills to pay, before they are pushed to suicide. Anon

❑ no sympathy for those weddings abroad losing there money should have spent there money here. derek chesterfie­ld

❑ Blackpool: Best place in country for holiday been twice this summer and will be back for the illuminati­ons. Appleby Sid

❑ Blackpool residents declaring that it’s the best town in Britain. It’s not even the best town in Lancashire. Believe me, I’ve lived/ worked there. PHANTOM TEXTER

 ??  ?? Used to love hot actress Roxanne McKee on Hollyoaks. Please can we see a pic of her sexy body? A.Lytham
Used to love hot actress Roxanne McKee on Hollyoaks. Please can we see a pic of her sexy body? A.Lytham

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