Daily Star

STUFFED BUST! Dozy knife robber made his getaway on a double decker

- ■ by JERRY LAWTON Chief Crime Correspond­ent jerry.lawton@dailystar.co.uk

ROPEY robber Vincent Bailey fled an armed heist on a double decker bus – with his mum.

The 39-year-old leapt on board holding up a Pizza Hut with a knife.

He then sat at the back of the bus with his mother counting the cash he had snatched in the raid.

Bailey was caught after leaving behind a catalogue of clues.

He left the knife on the bus, upon which police found his DNA. They also discovered the clothes he wore during the raid dumped in a side lane.

Detectives caught him with the £250 cash he had stolen still in bags at his home in Plymouth, Devon.

Bailey was jailed for four years at Plymouth Crown Court after admitting robbery and possessing a knife as well as causing criminal damage to a cell he was being held in the following day.

The court heard he had repeatedly flushed his toilet until the cell flooded.

Lee Bremridge, prosecutin­g, said after Bailey went into the staff area of the takeaway wearing a baseball cap and with his face covered.

When a worker came out of the kitchen and challenged him, Bailey pulled out a knife and demanded cash from the till. The member of staff handed over £250 in cash – mostly in coins – in bags. Bailey then got on a bus and the driver noticed him counting out the money with a woman he called mum. Ali Rafati, defending, said Bailey had written letters of apology to Pizza Hut staff and the judge. He had mental health problems due to his traumatic upbringing and was on heroin substitute methadone as well as anti-psychotic medication at the time of the offence. But he had left them at his sister’s home. Mr Rafati said Bailey’s mum had no idea he was robbing the takeaway when he left her at the bus stop.

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