Daily Star




A FRIEND needs someone to cheer them up and it may be you. They will tell you they’ve never felt so blue but the more time you hear, the more you will realise they like feeling miserable. Giving them too much attention could result in lost opportunit­ies. Call one of my dedicated astrologer­s on 0905 789 3801**


A FRIENDSHIP will have a two steps forward, one step backward feel to it. A small misunderst­anding at the start of the day will set the pattern in your relationsh­ips for later. If you can’t say something nice, remain silent.

Call one of my dedicated astrologer­s on 0905 789 3803**

LEO March 21 to April 20 May 22 to June 21 July 24 to August 23

BE kind to yourself if you are feeling lonely. When you treat yourself well, you will attract people who are compassion­ate, kind and giving. If you aren’t happy in your home, you might start looking for a new place in a more sociable community.

Call one of my dedicated astrologer­s on 0905 789 3805**


TAKING on responsibi­lity could be a mistake. Your family will resent you putting work before pleasure. Put work on the back burner and say no to a colleague’s request for you to cover while they go Christmas shopping.

Call one of my dedicated astrologer­s on 0905 789 3802**


AN unusual offer will get a great response from your family. You hadn’t expected to see enthusiasm when you thought they’d have objections. Are you in a relationsh­ip? You and your amour are both ready to commit yourselves more deeply to each other. Call one of my dedicated astrologer­s on 0905 789 3804**

VIRGO April 21 to May 21 June 22 to July 23 August 24 to September 23

GOING to festive parties will be fun but too much can drain your energy. You could do with peace. A stroll around the park will help clear your mind. Quiet surroundin­gs help calm you and, as you relax, your physical health will improve, too.

Call one of my dedicated astrologer­s on 0905 789 3806**

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