Daily Star

Clowning Street’s Boris must sort Brexit joke


Lily Aldridge looks hot whatever she is wearing. Can we please see a picture of the gorgeous model? Alan Bolton


Congratula­tions to Boris Johnson for winning the General Election. Boris must now carry out the wishes of 17.4 million Brits and GET BREXIT DONE! Dave P, Stockport

When people in ex coal mining towns vote Tory it speaks volumes. LEO F

Finally we can get what we voted for in 2016. Hope all you 2 faced Remoaners choke on your breakfasts. Dave Mac cornwall

What a joke the labour party are. how can someone who can’t dress herself correctly expect to help run the country. Paul lancs

Corbyn: You have single-handed put paid to the Labour Party and All the people who have fought for it for years. You need to dig a hole and jump into it. Disgusting.

Liverpool jackie

You stupid deluded people. No matter what the Tories do to you, you still vote for them. Increase in pension age, universal credit, bedroom tax, foodbanks, etc! Prat Johnson’s “Brexit Deal” is the same as May’s! ANOTHER FIVE YEARS OF THESE T*SSERS! YOU DESERVE ALL THATS COMING TO YOU!

pieface notts

its Friday the 13th and Conservati­ve liars back to destroy us all. Be afraid and look after the vulnerable. Wise Ged

Such a sad day for the UK when Tory regime continues to kill the country thanks to Boris the liar. people who voted Conservati­ve in poor towns will be very sorry when they end up skint. Wise One

The UK now has a one nation Tory gov with a serial liar for a PM. the UK remains deeply divided and this will continue as the gap between the rich and the poor grows even wider. Do not complain when there is no support for NHS and other public services slowly disappear, only to be replaced by privitisat­ion like that in America. Red fred

We still dont know the oven ready details of this great deal that boris has negotiated? robtin

poor Jo swinson: that democracy she so despises has cost her her job. poor thing. wellsy accy

Corbyn, McDonnell, Starmer, Thornberry & Abbott have got to go to get Labour Party back on track otherwise that’s it. SNAKEBITE

What’s wrong with people of this country? do they enjoy watching the poor getting whipped?

sludge egremont

jo Swinson, grieve, soubry. the clowns have been ousted. the people have spoken with one voice. Billy smart’s circus is hiring. form an orderly queue. Paul Scunthorpe

Thank you my daily star for giving us all the oppertunit­y to air our views unlike some in the media who have been pushing their own agendas, the bbc at the forefront. I wish you all a very merry xmas and a very prosperous new year. alan in teesdale

i was amazed to see on the news the number of dogs tied up outside polling stations when we hear how many get stolen. tubs

Do those little pencils in election booths make you a little cross? Or is it just me?


best nite’s sleep i’ve had in yrs! For insomniacs everywhere, throw away yer sleeping pills and ask GP to prescribe BBC or ITV DVDS of election results! Slept like a log after 10 mins! Lily the pink

santa was in a foul mood. he shouted, the reindeers r on strike, the elves r all drunk and i sent that stupid angel to get a xmas tree hours ago. just then the angel appears and yells, oi fatty heres ur tree. wre do u want me to stick it? an thus the tradition of an angel on top of a tree came to pass. momma towel

my dad used to get up at 6am to make sure my mum got to work on time. tony worksop

Charles Dickens enters a bar hoping a drink will help him think of a title for his next book. He orders a martini and the barman says “Olive or twist?” Dave Fagin

WE want you to star in our Text Maniacs Christmas special. Send your merry messages starting DSTAR XMAS or festive Selfie Service pics to the usual places. The best will feature in our spread on Christmas Eve.

Boo’s first day without her mummy. 7 weeks old Rachel Llewellyn


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