Daily Star

Hunt for cleaver attacker

Pet chewed on old sofa

- ■ by PAUL DONNELLEY paul.donnelley@dailystar.co.uk

POLICE are hunting a thug suspected of dragging his girlfriend out of a car and hacking her head with a meat cleaver.

Cleon Smith, 42, is wanted over the horrific attack on a 42-year-old woman.

She had cuts to her head and a wound to her hand.

A 21-year-old woman who was also in the car in Handsworth, Birmingham, had a cut hand.

Smith is also suspected of smashing the older woman’s cheekbone at a house in Moseley, Birmingham, where she was punched and beaten with a baton.

Officers have raided 10 addresses but Smith remains at large.

Supt Nick Walton said: “Smith is a dangerous offender who we want to speak to about two violent assaults on a woman where weapons were used.

“We need him in custody as soon as possible.”

A DOG lover saved her pet when he began choking on a piece of sofa by performing the Heimlich Manoeuvre. Louise Davies was horrified when her French bulldog Angus started making a retching noise. The dog then began veering from side to side as if he was losing consciousn­ess Fortunatel­y, the 48-year-old church administra­tor had recently completed a first aid course. She said: “I knew straight away that Angus must be choking.


“My heart was in my mouth at first but my training kicked in. “I looked in Angus’s mouth and, when I couldn’t see anything, I picked him up from behind and pulled into his belly. “Nothing happened the first time so I had to do it again and this time he started breathing again.” Three-year-old Angus’s favourite thing to chew is the sofa, and Louise suspects he was choking on a morsel from it. The family, from Congleton, Cheshire, are on their fourth sofa. Louise said: “We’d never let him in our living room with the posh sofa otherwise it would be destroyed. Luckily we have other sofas that have either been second-hand or cheap.

“I am so grateful I had done a first aid course.”

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BARK TO LIFE: Louise and Angus. Inset, cheeky pooch chews on an old sofa
■ BARK TO LIFE: Louise and Angus. Inset, cheeky pooch chews on an old sofa

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