Daily Star

Boyfriend’s too flash



Later Zoe pops round

Is this the end of our friendship?

You know I was, I drove Jim home because he’d drunk so much

Come in… Happy New Year

Happy? I don’t think so!

HOW can I stop my from stripping off?

I’ve only known him a short while, but he’s definitely a flasher.

I took him to my cousin’s party and within an hour he was on a table ripping his kit off.

Everyone was whistling, sober and mortified.

Days later we were boyfriend but at my

I was boss’s

Really? I didn’t see him doing anything like that

Thanks for that, but he’s been really weird today… I think he got off with someone last night

Stupid Jim must have told her what happened

This is the last thing I wanted

Christmas party and I had to beg him to keep his trousers on.

My boss was laughing along but I don’t think he was genuinely amused and now I’m worried.

I’m not interested in dating a laughing stock.

What’s the matter?


You were at the party last night, weren’t you?

I’m sure he did… and I’m gonna find the bitch and sort her out


JANE SAYS: If your man can’t behave himself under the influence of alcohol, then maybe he needs to look at how much he’s drinking?

Talk to him in the cold light of day and explain that he’s now had two strikes. If he humiliates you a third

WELL, you should have thought of the fall out before you let yourself get so carried away.

It was inevitable that Jim would wear his heart on his sleeve… he’d had a massive row with Zoe and drunk far too much.

Because you were sympatheti­c he now reckons that you’re a great girl.

So you have to put him right and let him know you are not going to have a relationsh­ip with him.

Explain that you can’t possibly ruin your friendship with Zoe and there’s no way you are going to hurt her.

Having sex with Jim was a stupid thing to do and I expect you’ll have a few sleepless nights worrying whether he confesses all to Zoe.

I reckon you deserve some discomfort – after all you should have said no right at the start, then none of this would have happened. time, then you will be walking out. The last thing you need is anyone humiliatin­g you or bringing you down in public.

Hopefully, your boss won’t hold this exhibition­ism against you, but not all employers out there will be quite so forgiving.

It’s time to think about yourself and your future.

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