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JON Vidler, 42, is a senior quality executive for a pharmaceut­ical firm and lives in Chandler’s Ford, Hants. He shares the milestones that saw him break his comfort-eating cycle and become Slimming World’s Greatest Loser 2019, making his family proud.

The moment I…thought my time was up

Wheezing through the door, I dropped my groceries and sat down. My palms were sweating, my heart was racing and my arms were tingling. As a crushing pain swept across my chest, I called my dad, Trevor. “I think I’m having a heart attack,” I said. He arrived at the same time as the paramedics and I was rushed to hospital. Later, it was confirmed my symptoms had been a panic attack. It felt like a lucky escape – I knew that at around 34st, my weight must have been putting pressure on my heart. Yet, as always, I soothed my worries with biscuits, crisps and chocolate. In my early 30s, after I’d lost more than 9st as a Slimming World member, my mum died and comfort eating was my way of coping with the grief. I’d quickly put the weight back on and more. I kept going to group but on the way home I’d pick up cakes and bags of chocolate and crisps.

The moment I…chose change

At work, it took me 10 minutes to walk the 50 yards from my car to my desk. Then, a cyst on my back became infected. It needed surgery, but the doctors told me my size put me at high risk of stroke or cardiac arrest. Though I came through it OK, my recovery took months. At a New Year’s Eve house party in 2014, pictures of the night emerged. Instead of a man in the prime of his life, I saw someone who was in pain on every level. That was it – I decided to lose weight for good.

The moment I…finally felt at home

I joined a different Slimming World group, and went with friends who were members. The consultant, Sian, was kind and understand­ing, encouragin­g me to stay to group after her welcome talk. “Treat this as week one and let go of everything in the past,” she said. I realised that in the years I’d been skipping the rest of group, the eating plan, Food Optimising, had been updated – and the Extra Easy plan sounded great. Sitting with the other members as they shared their recipes, I felt hopeful for the first time in ages. Back home, I cleared my cupboards. While I could have had a biscuit or two, I knew they were a trigger food for me and I’d be through the packet quicker than you could say chocolate digestive. So they had to go. I batch-cooked pasta dishes, chicken and filling soups, taking the leftovers to work for lunch with fruit to snack on. Within a week, I’d lost 8lbs.

The moment I…got even more support

With every pound and stone I lost, my self-belief grew. I wanted to share this feeling so I asked my dad, who was also unhappy with his weight, if I could take him out for dinner. Instead of heading to a restaurant, I took him to group for our Free Food taster evening. “This isn’t exactly what I had in mind,” he laughed. After 14 months, Dad had smashed his target, and I’d lost almost 9st. Around that time, I started walking at lunchtimes with a work friend, Graeme. After a while, Graeme gifted me a bike helmet and we went for bike rides together.

The moment I…made my brother proud

In January 2017, my brother Anthony asked me to be his Best Man. I joined other members from the group for walks and bike rides. At Anthony and Jennie’s wedding 10 months later, I stood by his side, almost 15st lighter than I’d been three years before. And, as I delivered my speech, I glanced at Anthony as the guests roared and the pride on his face said it all!

The moment I…became a winner

Months passed and as I got closer to my target, there were weeks where things didn’t go to plan. But each time the scales would soon move in the right direction again. I reached my target this January, after losing a total of 20st 7lb, and not long afterwards, Sian phoned me to break the news I’d won Slimming World’s Greatest Loser 2019. Jon is a member of Sian Taylor’s Slimming World group in Chandler’s Ford. Story taken from Slimming World Magazine, on sale now on the newsstand and in Slimming World groups. To find your nearest group, visit slimmingwo­rld.co.uk or call 0344 897 8000.

I joined other members from the group for walks and bike rides

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