Daily Star

Masked Singer hit the right notes…


I took a great leap of faith on Saturday and decided to watch the Masked Singer for the first time. I’m a bit ashamed to say but I really liked it! Grant Hately

re The Masked Singer: Thank you ITV for giving children something to watch – while we adults get on with something better. SUE P

Sir David Jason is right, there is very little comedy on our telly’s. it is full of reality shows. it is time to go back to variety TV and comedy. Mike D Edinburgh

I did not agree with the voting with dancing on ice.

shirley pops

Where is Kevin Whately now? watching a Lewis rerun I thought he was never off our screens. Auf Wiedersehe­n Pet, Peak Practice, Morse & Lewis. Where is he? Bert, Edinburgh

Michael Portillo’s railway programmes would be a lot better if he just focused on the railway instead of wandering around castles and stately homes.

mal the claret

where r the concerts filmed by the bbc for the old grey whistle test? All we get r the old top of the pops re-runs! Beryl

Marlon “Beanstalk” Dingle, he swings his arms about more than a policeman on the old point duty. Friday night, Marlon got all hard and picked up a knife too, then sliced a cucumber! EBG

A pretty woman came over to me and said “Would you like to dance?” I said “Sure!” She said “Off you go then whilst I chat to your mate.” Dave Nohope

My Sunday League pub team are sponsored by the local super glue factory. As captain, I urge everybody at the club to stick together! GIMME THE BALL

 ??  ?? COVER-UP: Show’s not bad
COVER-UP: Show’s not bad

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