Daily Star



OVER the years, Kelly Brook has tried various methods to stay svelte and admits: “I have tried a number of different diets in the past.

“But they have not been sustainabl­e for me.”

However, since starting the SlimFast slimming programme, Kelly has gone down to a size 12, while retaining the curves that won her millions of fans.

What’s more, she has successful­ly maintained her new weight by using the eating plan and relying on smaller portion sizes for her meals.

She explains: “I’ve dropped two dress sizes, thanks to SlimFast.

“It’s also helped me to maintain that weight loss for more than a year, and I’m now at a stage where I feel body confident and happy in myself.

“It’s a simple and effective plan, which is perfect for anyone like me who is always on the go!

“I also love that you can eat up to six times a day.”

Former bar owner Kelly, who is set to appear in The Great Celebrity Bake Off for Stand Up To Cancer on Channel 4 soon, admits she loves her favourite grub.

She adds: “I’m a total foodie, but there has to be a balance. Diets shouldn’t be about deprivatio­n. They need to be sustainabl­e, after all.

“That’s why I’m going to enjoy pancakes this Pancake Day!

“I really enjoy my food and love baking up tasty treats in the kitchen – as you will see from my forthcomin­g appearance on The Great Celebrity Bake Off.

“In fact, being on the programme inspired me to create my very own healthy pancakes!”

It turns out that Kelly is a bit of a dab hand in the kitchen. She has been SlimFast Mini Caramel Pancakes with Berries

Ingredient­s: 20g rolled oats, pinch of salt, 1/2 tsp. baking powder, 1 scoop of SlimFast Advanced Vitality Salted Caramel Infusion shake mix, 40g overripe bananas, 1 tsp. vanilla extract or essence, 1 egg white, 8 sprays of sunflower oil, 20g mixed berries, 2 tsp. maple syrup.

Method: In a food processor, add the oats, salt, baking powder and SlimFast product. dating her Italian boyfriend, model and actor Jeremy Parisi, since 2015 and she is often rustling up yummy dinners for them both.

She says: “I love to cook hearty meals at home at the weekend, when we’ve got a bit more time. Lasagne is my favourite, but I also love a stew.”

And when it comes to guilty pleasures, Kelly hints at what she could be creating on Celebrity Bake Off, adding: “I love lemon drizzle cake!”

As far as eating out goes, Kelly really likes Lebanese food with her favourite dishes including: “Chicken, grilled

Whizz until a flour-like consistenc­y forms. Add the banana, vanilla, egg white and whizz again until a smooth batter forms (you may need to add a little water to loosen the mixture). Put a non-stick frying pan on to a medium heat. Add a few sprays of cooking oil and then 4 dollops of pancake batter. Wait for bubbles to form in the middle of the pancakes and for the edges to become set. Carefully turn them over and cook on the other side. Serve with mixed berries and 1 tsp. of maple syrup per person. vegetables and rice, with crudités and hummus.” But it’s not just her diet keeping Kelly in good shape.

Studies show that teaming up with a partner can help you stay motivated to get fit and keep weight off.

And Kelly is a fan of this advice, revealing that working out with Jeremy – six years her junior and an expert in judo – is aiding her fitness regime.

She says: “I do a Pilates class once a week, which I love.

“I also hit the gym fairly regularly with my boyfriend, Jeremy.

“And I love gardening, which is a great way to stay in shape.

“If I have the time, I will also try to schedule a few runs into my week, usually with Jeremy to make it more interestin­g!”

Kelly adds: “Give yourself a break, though – it’s hard to juggle life, fitness, family, everything.”

So what are her tips for successful workouts?

“Set yourself small goals that you can achieve. I try to plan which days I will work out at the start of the week, so I’m more likely to just get it done.”

■ Find out more about SlimFast at slimfast.co.uk

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