Daily Star



I know the flooding is terrible but is it not time for the Government and the Environmen­t Agency to get together and start dredging rivers and small streams cleared by those on unpaid work for crimes they have caused. plus, councils should start cleaning drains in towns and cities. I’m sure this would help with flooding problems. I hope those flooded get everything sorted. Geoff Newcastle

Flack case sad but had to go to trial 4 democracy. men are physically n verbally abused but findit difficult to go to police. Dan

ppl addicted to social media websites only themselves to blame for comments and fotos they upload. They are always going to be a target for sick trolls. too gutless to put their name to their bile. The addiction is easy to break, delete account. Its a bigger world than IT. Lily the pink

It won’t wash Begum, posing with union jack behind her. you can still p ** s off. Geoff

EU bullyboys at it again over fishing in British waters. F*** them right off with their threats. No deal. POPEYE

It’s got to be a clean break from EU otherwise Barnier, Macron, & Co are going to make our lives a misery for years. BILKO

Labour Leadership Debate (C4, Monday). Very close between Keir Starmer and Lisa Nandy as to who is the best candidate to take Labour forward. Rebecca Long-Bailey would just continue with Jeremy Corbyn’s far-Left policies, which alienated many voters in first place. Dave P, Stockport

Re Dirtbox: i’ve changed my mind. you really are a comedian even trying to tell the ed what he should and shouldn’t do. It’s not a competitio­n. is your IQ high enough to comprehend that? MAX TALKING TO A WALL

Dirtbox: if you had a higher iq you wouldn’t have sent that nasty text and been a bit more tactful about it. So when are tickets available for your gig at the apollo? keep dreaming mate. AL

A man was driving his son to school and he made a illegal turn at the traffic lights. son said don’t worry dad, the police car behind you has made the same mistake. Bricky Dave

you can fool some of the most of the people are time. these need to the ones i on! concentrat­e


all the floods throughout our country, with many houses and lives devastated. I wonder how many countries and celebritie­s will start a collection for them? None I am guessing. Pete west midlands

❑ if you choose to live on a river bank don’t be shocked if it floods in the winter. you wouldnt build a house at the bottom of a volcano would you! Cat

It’s Bart and Mummy. Carole Challenor

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