Daily Star

Stores should deliver to hospitals for NHS heroes

- Lorraine Keighley

■ any chance we can have a pic of corrie beauty sair khan. thanks wilko


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Don’t know why they don’t deliver shoppin for hospital staff straight to the hospitals, save em goin short an save em havin to shop for it. P Watson Leigh

Why don’t Supermarke­ts send vans of groceries to hospitals for staff. ANNE FIELD

hospitals: supermarke­ts deliver a free pallet of food to them for staff. barney chelt

Special thanks to all NHS staff throughout the UK, you’re doing a fantastic job. Paul Lancs

It’s not just the young at heart that can’t get food etc but the NHS staff that you are going to depend on saving the lives of you and yours, if they are left in dire circumstan­ces who’s going to save your life? Lawman

Do people who are stockpilin­g realise they have more chance of catching the virus. Every supermarke­t I have been in has been absolutely packed full. 6 to 7 trolleys queuing to each till. All this close contact is asking for trouble.


2 the selfish unthinking idiots that r panic buying. Stop it. I went out shopping saturday, got what I needed. It was busy but bearable. The staff at the supermarke­ts r doing a grand job. big dave osborne

Government has got to do something about panic buying stores have to put a limit on shopping – put a copper in all supermarke­ts in case of trouble at checkouts.


why are some people ignoring advice regarding bulk buying and large gatherings? still massive queues outside supermarke­ts despite us being reassured there is plenty for everyone. And thousands of morons gathering in Hove and Skegness determined to suffer the same fate as those poor people in Italy. You should be utterly ashamed of yourselves. gts

those attempting to profiteer from covid shud take heed, ppl hav long memories. When some semblance of society returns, u wil b named, decimated and shunned via social media. Self isolation wil b yr only option for the rest of yr greedy life. Lily the pink

In reply to Rachel from Birmingham asking why hand sanitizer is not placed at the entrance to the supermarke­t. I work in one and we’ve tried it twice, as soon as you turn your back it’s been swiped! FISHKEEPER

Now that the royals are away turn buck palace into a hospital. After all the tax payers pay for it.

Sean in Consett

You can’t make it up. I work in a factory all week with a work force of over 500 people, but come the weekend I can’t have a drink or a bet.

Happy Harry

81 years high risk told to stay indoors: tried for home delivery: no slot until late April: really?


If the world was going to end tomorrow these thick vermin panic-buying locusts would still rush out to stockpile.


If pet owners are such animal lovers why are they clearing shelves of pet food and depriving other pets? I think the owners are the real animals. Rex Sheffield

MRS MOP: you are right about office workers being able to work from home when people like you and myself keep working. I’ve been told even if there is only 5 or 6 people there they will need someone to clean the toilets. Jolly Janitor

so we were told not to visit mums on mother’s day even if we don’t have covid 19 and to skype instead, what about us who don’t have skype or mums who dont own laptops etc? jellyhead

yes it’s difficult not going to a pub so bring the pub atmosphere indoors where u live: music candles, snacks and cider works for me in a bedsit! ANFIELD CAT

I’ve been doing the e d s for the last week eat drink sleep. Now I’m doing the e e s eat exercise sleep all from home. And now I feel great. brianz did Daddy what the you do during crisis. great virus dangerous The most gunner job son, rear on the Andrex truck.

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