Daily Star

Forced into romps by my broody girl PARTNER’S MAD FOR A CHILD


SINCE deciding to have a baby my girlfriend’s sexual appetite has gone through the roof.

The very minute she sees me she pins me to the ground.

We’re having sex up the stairs, on the kitchen counters and even in the garden.

I can’t risk taking my clothes off for a shower without her viewing that as an invitation.

The other night I turned up late with my boss. He fancied coming in for a drink and she was furious. She kept telling me to get rid of him because she was hot. I pleaded for more time.

My boss is not a man to mess with, but in the end she stormed in, handed him his jacket and bag and told him that there was a taxi waiting outside.


She said she needed my sperm and wasn’t able to wait any longer. I was so embarrasse­d. Luckily he saw the funny side and left, but it was a close shave.

I keep telling her that it’s not necessary for us to make love all the time. I’ve suggested we work out an ovulation chart and do things scientific­ally, but she’s having none of it.

She’s like a thing possessed and I don’t like being pawed and used. Don’t get me wrong, I love sex but only in a loving and natural setting. Having my jeans ripped from under me followed by the words “Come on big boy, do the business” is about as sexy as cold tapioca and almost guaranteed to make me flop.

I thought I wanted a family with her but now I’m not so sure.

What if she’s like this if we try for another child and she’s a frantic, neurotic mum too?

JANE SAYS: Your girlfriend is excited. You’ve both decided to try for a child and she’s now going for it with enthusiasm and verve.

She’s fired up and feeling fantastic. Now all she needs is for you to impregnate her and she’ll be complete, but you must make it clear you’re not a robot.

She has to hear that this all needs to be taken down a notch or 10. You need to have respect and space to perform and function.

At the moment she is being so overwhelmi­ng it is unpleasant. Sex still needs to be mutually respectful and enjoyable – even if you are trying for a baby.

Talk to her today and lay down guidelines. Suggest you start again on more equal terms. If she questions this, take some time out.

You can’t be railroaded into becoming a dad unless you are absolutely sure it’s the right thing to do.

Children are hard work and need parents who are totally committed to the task of creating a healthy, happy, safe home.

If you’re worried she is too full-on and that starting a family with her might be exhausting, then is she the right person for you?

Trust your instincts and think things through. What is your gut telling you?

 ??  ?? SECOND THOUGHTS: He fears her desperatio­n for a child shows she is deeply neurotic
SECOND THOUGHTS: He fears her desperatio­n for a child shows she is deeply neurotic
 ??  ??

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