Daily Star

Snorkel snaps sink21 £150K payout bid

Grate idea in a crisis SCAFFOLD WORKER’S FALL CLAIM

- By ANTONY THROWER ■ by ANTONY THROWER antony.thrower@dailystar.co.uk

A WASHINGTON woman is the laughing stock of the internet after revealing she spent a week washing her hands with a block of orangecolo­ured cheese rather than a bar of soap.

The woman, known only as Miley, thought she was doing her bit to stop the spread of coronaviru­s. “It was a couple days of ‘Why isn’t this foaming?’” she wrote.

“I come to realise it was a dried-out square of Tillamook sharp cheddar cheese.”


HEARD the one about the chook which snuck into a Florida Cannabidio­l shop before breaking £900 worth of glass bongs and pipes? Carlos Hermida, owner of Chillum CBD, which sells hemp-based products, said: “The poor chicken felt trapped and was scared. Its safety was a major concern. It could have gotten seriously hurt by the broken glass.”

It adds new meaning to why did the chicken cross the road? So it could fly high.


A PROFESSOR who is a top expert on money laundering is due to plead guilty to trying to hide £2.6million in proceeds from a corruption scheme involving Venezuela’s government.

Bruce Bagley, 73, faces jail on three counts of money laundering in New York.


BALTIMORE’S Mayor Jack Young has begged local thugs to put down their guns and stop shooting people so hospital beds can be freed for coronaviru­s patients.

“We will not stand for mass shootings and an increase in crime,” he said. Seven people were recently shot in one neighbourh­ood in one day.


FLORIDA’S Leroy Stotelmyer, 60, is back in jail for impersonat­ing a cop just days after he was arrested... for impersonat­ing a cop.


A LAS Vegas strip club is complying with coronaviru­s-related social distancing recommenda­tions by offering drive-thru strip shows.

The jiggle joint Little Darlings rolled out the new service this weekend, providing customers with a 10-minute show from the comfort of their cars for £90.


TALK about a moo-racle. A pregnant cow who swam back to land after being swept away by Hurricane Dorian in September has given birth to a calf.


After telling a boorish colleague he was as useless as the “ea” in “tea” my barman Richard turned to him and said: “I know five really stupid people and you are two of them.” Fair to say they don’t get along.

GRANGE Hill star Lee Macdonald joked about his “Just say no” catchphras­e after proposing to his girlfriend, saying: “Just said yes.”

Lee, 51, referred to the show’s anti-drugs campaign as he tweeted his good news, writing: “My partner Jess JUST SAID YES. Wedding next.”

The actor starred in the school drama as Zammo Mcguire, right, who was addicted to heroin. The storyline started the real life Just Say No antidrugs campaign.

Lee’s good news sparked a wave of comments from pals from his Grange Hill days and his stint as bus driver Terry on Eastenders. Shaun Williamson, Barry from the soap, said: “Brilliant Lee. Love to you all.”

A SCAFFOLDER who claimed £150,000 after a fall at work was caught out when snaps of him snorkellin­g were discovered online.

Leroy Baker, 51, sued when he suffered multiple fractures in a 30ft fall which he claimed left him “isolated, plagued by pain and struggling with mobility”.

But lawyers representi­ng Pellikaan Constructi­on found Facebook pictures of him swimming, playing football and “being involved” in a nightclub brawl.

Judge Stephen Hellman found that although he was injured, the social media posts proved Baker exaggerate­d his condition.


He rejected the entire claim because most had been for the cost of future care, which the judge said was “fraudulent” and “dishonest.” Baker, of Erith, south-east London, fractured his back, ribs and pelvis when he fell from scaffoldin­g in Greenwich, South London, in November 2013. Rejecting the claim for damages at Central London County Court, Judge Hellman said: “I am satisfied a substantia­l part of his exaggerati­on was in order to increase the value of his claim.”

He said the Facebook entries may have been a bid to put on a “brave face”, but said they showed he had not become a recluse. “For that reason I find his claim was fraudulent­ly dishonest and it is therefore dismissed.”

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INJURED: Baker at court
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