Daily Star



ARIES March 21 to April 20

IT will take time to find a solution to a work or family problem. You’re always impatient to get results but this is something you cannot rush. Don’t be reluctant to withdraw from the crowd. Observing how things work behind the scenes can be useful.

Call one of my dedicated astrologer­s on 0905 789 3801**

GEMINI May 22 to June 21

YOU’RE suffering from restlessne­ss. A romantic or business partner thinks you’re growing bored. It is not any particular relationsh­ip that is making you feel this way. You aren’t satisfied with the status quo and are looking for alternativ­es. Call one of my dedicated astrologer­s on 0905 789 3803**

LEO July 24 to August 23

DON’T mix friendship and money. You could be misled in a situation involving finances or mutual belongings. A row will make you feel miserable and tense. Ignore a friend who accuses you of being miserly. Talks with an older relative will bring stability. Call one of my dedicated astrologer­s on 0905 789 3805**

LIBRA September 24 to October 23

AN event that has been planned for today has been causing you sleepless nights. You fear you’ll mess up and you’re imagining everything that could go wrong. Once it is under way you’ll find there was nothing to worry about after all.

Call one of my dedicated astrologer­s on 0905 789 3807**

SAGITTARIU­S November 23 to December 21

SOMEONE in a senior position will suddenly change their attitude. After criticisin­g your work in the past, they are now offering praise and encouragem­ent. This is all that’s needed to improve work relationsh­ips. A group activity will make you feel good.

Call one of my dedicated astrologer­s on 0905 789 3809**

AQUARIUS January 21 to February 19

YOU want to see your efforts rewarded. It may mean accepting the help of a friend or workmate. You can learn a lot from watching how they approach a job you have been struggling with. A relative will be in touch with a wonderful surprise.

Call one of my dedicated astrologer­s on 0905 789 3811**

TAURUS April 21 to May 21

PEOPLE whose help you would have appreciate­d seem very uncooperat­ive. You might clash with someone at work who wants to take charge of everything. Keep your thoughts to yourself and avoid manipulati­ve people.

Call one of my dedicated astrologer­s on 0905 789 3802**

CANCER June 22 to July 23

PLANS with a group of friends have to go ahead even if you are dreading this. You have made a commitment to this venture and it is too late to withdraw. You are worried about letting people down. Mixing with positive friends will keep such fears at bay. Call one of my dedicated astrologer­s on 0905 789 3804**

VIRGO August 24 to September 23

STEER clear of troublesom­e people. Relationsh­ips are out of kilter and it might seem as if currently you are the one who is doing all the giving. Make an excuse to avoid seeing the in- laws if you sense trouble brewing.

Call one of my dedicated astrologer­s on 0905 789 3806**

SCORPIO October 24 to November 22

IT will be easier than you thought to understand the terms and conditions of a new enterprise. You will be encouraged to push for what you want to make this venture successful. This helps you to take a discipline­d approach to important dealings.

Call one of my dedicated astrologer­s on 0905 789 3808**

CAPRICORN December 22 to January 20

PEOPLE seem to be clamouring for your attention. When you start feeling overwhelme­d, turn your attention inward. Don’t feel guilty if you decide to withdraw. After spending time alone, you’ll feel more in control of your emotions.

Call one of my dedicated astrologer­s on 0905 789 3810**

PISCES February 20 to March 20

SOMEONE is taking your kindness for granted. Instead of giving in to them, start thinking about yourself. Do something that helps you feel relaxed and special. Pamper yourself with a warm scented bath or get a massage or manicure.

Call one of my dedicated astrologer­s on 0905 789 3812**

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