Daily Star

TEXT Maniacs


■ Ain’t it horrible with no football & watching liverpool charging to the premier league title? Redcol68

■ Re-all fellow Text Maniac’s. Stay safe everyone,let’s hope we get our game back soon and all’s ok.


■ Oh dear UWS you are very blinkered in your support of the 1 (ONE) team in your city. Of course you have always been well supported 13,077 v Cambridge and 9,197 v Crewe before keegan first took over, then 29,263 LOYAL? fans turned up against Bristol City. BTW CITY had sell out crowds of 35,000 in the THIRD DIV 98/99 season, Ave 30,000 ,also I do know who FRANCIS LEE is as I’m named after him. We didn’t win a trophy for 35 yrs and were still getting crowds better than most other clubs. If you are going to have a dig at least have the courtesy to get your FACTS RIGHT. LEE THE JOLLY FACTUAL MANC FOURMIDABL­E BLUE

■ All DS txtrs know that if lfc win the league its becoz other teams had players who are ill. They have lost the champs league now. Pathetic.

Paul cook.

■ Regarding spending we have spent a lot but still behind cfc spending since premier lge formed cfc one of the smallest clubs in London always tickets on sale with touts outside Fulham Broadway station on match days you mug. Anon

■ To willo. Imagine how much liverpool spent in the 29 years they didnt win the league. Boring is liverpool no history how long for now over and over again. CHELSEA got slagged off for spending but i didnt see them throwing millions at it for over 20 years and failing like liverpool. CFC1

■ Ref cfc1 AKA doughnut you said when Liverpool plays someone decent they was unlucky against athletico Madrid out played them in both games but as you know yourself when you won the champions league you can defend for 120 be out played and still be very lucky to win.

Super spurs fan

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