Daily Star



RALPH RIMMER will urge Super League to stick together in the fight for the game’s survival.

Some clubs are at serious risk because of the indefinite suspension of the season.

But RFL chief executive Rimmer, who will hold a meeting with the clubs today, believes that the sport can find a way through the crisis.

He said: “We are looking at every permutatio­n of how we can move things forward. It is not all doom and gloom.

“I am not denying how serious this is but we will tough it out and come through. We have to work collective­ly to make this happen.

“Rugby league is a real powerful force for the public good. I think there is a really good collective approach to finding a way through.”

The RFL presented a detailed plea to the Government for help last Friday and Rimmer expects a positive response.

He said: “This Government is very aware of the importance of this sport and the importance of this sport in communitie­s.

“I think we are reasonably well positioned. We have acted swiftly on behalf of the sport.”

Rimmer (right) revealed clubs have been given several options on how to continue once the pandemic has eased. But says it’s impossible to know how it will work until the length of the lockdown is known.

Next year’s World Cup is still being planned and Rimmer added: “Hopefully it will be a fantastic celebratio­n of our sport. We want to emerge with a big bounce in our step and with a bang.”

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