Daily Star

...and old foe Rio puts boot into Kop


RIO FERDINAND says the season should be declared void – denying Liverpool a first title for 30 years.

Jurgen Klopp’s side were two wins from securing their first

Premier League crown when the season was suspended.

And with no indication when they will resume, the former Manchester United and England star (above) said the season should be scrapped.

“I know there are going to be a lot of Liverpool fans going, ‘Oh Rio, it’s just because you support

THE Premier League is in total lockdown after Sheffield United became the final club to stop training. Players reported yesterday morning only to be sent home with personalis­ed plans.

It comes after the PFA advised all clubs that regular training sessions put players at risk and is pushing for greater protection for its members. Blades boss Chris Wilder had his players in last week and even staged a practice match which caused some concern.

Arsenal also announced yesterday that players would not be expected in this week and training had been postponed indefinite­ly, admitting it would be “irresponsi­ble and inappropri­ate” to expect them to return, especially after manager Mikel Arteta (left) tested positive for the virus two weeks ago. Regular training would contravene Government advice on social distancing and the PFA is holding talks with football authoritie­s to find a common agreement on training.

It now means all 20 clubs have postponed training, with some having taken a complete break while others have devised personal fitness

Manchester United and it’s Liverpool’.

“I don’t see a way that it can be done where health isn’t compromise­d. All this behind-closed-doors business, you’re still going to have the players there.

“There are players who are going to go down lame from the illness, who might not have recovered or who will catch it from someone.

“Then it spreads to other players and there’s also going to have to be people to man the stadium, which puts everyone at risk.”

Ferdinand says playing matches behind closed doors is also fraught with danger.

“PSG v Dortmund recently behind closed doors, but outside there were thousands of fans,” he added.

“Now imagine Liverpool were to win the league, which they would. Do you think all those fans, after all those 30 years of hurt, are going to sit at home and say, ‘Well done, guys, cup of tea?’

“People would be out trying to celebrate and go crazy.”

■ MANCHESTER United are set to return to training on April 10.

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