Daily Star

Panic-buying wasters are a disgrace



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To all you greedy people out there who panicked bought take a bloody good look at page 7 (Monday’s Star) at all the food you have wasted, food that could have gone to the elderly or ppl who could not get out to the shops. You should be ashamed. Hunter Coventry

It ought to be possible to give a massive fine to people who bought all the food depriving others just to throw it away. tubs

sorry not all british r wasters there are hundreds doing a grand job. val rooney 80

A special medal should be struck for each and every returning medic who have offered valuable help in the country’s time of need. EBG

firebird: we all agree that NHS workers deserve a lot more than they get, but as we can’t personally pay it, the clapping was showing appreciati­on in other ways. I thought it was a lovely gesture, as did the many thousands who joined in. Hull hazel

I do hope “all” NHS staff & key workers get a new year’s honour list mention instead of the brown nosed has beens. The real life heroes. Paul Lancs

Amanda Holden and pals self isolating parties sipping champagne Schofield on the gin are taken the P*SS out of Joe Public who are losing wages even jobs because of coronaviru­s and can’t afford to eat never mind drink. Grow up you clowns.

Geoff Newcastle self isolating

How about a clap for shop workers for keeping us fed. SCOUSE

paul h: in what way has Johnson excelled? Obviously didn’t care about the nurses and poorly paid supermarke­t workers at the election. bt

Well done my Daily Star for running the story of our binmen not getting the right protective gear to do their jobs safely. These key workers are often overlooked and without them collecting our refuse the crisis would be a whole lot worse. FISHKEEPER

all credit to the emergency services but let’s not forget the shopworker­s and waste collectors working under difficult conditions to keep this country ticking over. mictip

If I don’t go work it will be dirty and you can’t have people working in a dirty place. Crazy Cleaner

can’t believe we still have idiots still taking no notice of the social distance rule. john lohan

For 10 days i have tried to get an inhaler for asthma, copd; enphysema, no gall bladder, ibs, hiatus hernia, i get all the time this number is engaged to use ring back etc. Doctors, ring 111. 111, You are number 49 in the queue. Lawman

i live on my own im 73years old and have no computer or internet no facebook how can i get any answers to my questions such as are animals and birds immune to this virus as ive yet to find any dead pigeons or seagulls on the streets. OAP Bpool

this coronaviru­s is certainly having a impact. My three year old soon to be four wants to be a nurse now to help people get better. But she’s sad her friend can’t come over to play because of the nasty virus? Paul west midlands

ITV news. Those two young boys playing coldplay song both on violins brilliant two young boys with a great future playing music rock n roll always guys. ANFIELD CAT

Covod-19 a crime stopper. Cells empty, no drunks causing trouble this weekend. Drunk drivers, probably a few. What’s the figures for the weekend? Can we beat it next week. Crime free U.K.? It’s possible. Just wondered Glasgow

well at least with us all stoppin in we wont get burgled. Kev in wigan

wouldn’t mind betting all the seagulls are going hungry now no one is about droping waste food about.


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