Daily Star

Idiots like Grealish set bad example



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People should stop moaning about the police and obey goverment ruling then police would not have to use ‘heavy handed measures’. The police having to deal with idiots like Jack Grealish ignoring the governmen. Mad max doncaster

Jack Grealish is a total disgrace! Said on twitter “stay home save lives” then drives 10 miles to a friends! Another prima donna who thinks he’s above the law! M Quinn Hull

will people stop knocking police for doing their job. Stopping idiots travelling 2 second homes in cornwall. Cornwall only has one main hospital that can’t cope with the local community. Dave Mac. Cornwall

I hope these scum stealing ppe equipment from Ambulances get caught and sent to jail for 2yrs and fined £2,000 these lot are lowlife scum.

Stockton jeff

to the disgruntle­d man who complained when the paramedic was allowed to go ahead of us in bank queue, you are a disgrace. You might need his help one day. Hel, west wales

Kev in Wigan: don’t kid yourself about staying in will stop burglaries. My nephew and his wife got burgled while they and their 6 month old baby were asleep upstairs. They didn’t hear a thing and they had personal stuff and both their cars stolen. FLOYD

I was on my way to work and could NOT believe my eyes 3 Community police officers walking together. No 2 metre rule. Leah Bristol

i’ve just seen pics of trains and tubes that are packed the mayor is also making NHS workers squashing together on their way to work by lack of transport the very people we need and he may need to save our lives. SE9 ROENNA

my local co-op girls are the best! They’ve dealt with some nasty people and are still providing for us!!

Lanny. EFC. X

our trouble is not enough money was ever spent on NHS, closing hospitals down saying no money available for improvemen­ts but can imediatly find £120 billion for a crap fast train. For instance in my town rochdale our main hospital was closed for no money available to develop site easy option council sell off for house building. dan boy

it still looks like a north and south divide. As all they talk about is London, ie nightingal­e hospital, helicopter­s to help move vital equipment. But nothing about implementi­ng these measures in the north west etc. Also fed up with excuses about testing, as this should be one of the priorities. JOHN salford

Kev in Wigan: pig swill has to be sorted carefully as in 2000 foot and mouth outbreak was started by pigs eating ham. Geoff Newcastle

has anyone else noticed how blue the sky is? Just a few days without all the planes and it seems so vivid, at the other end of this crisis we have to change we can’t go back to our greedy selfish ways we have been shown what really matters family and friends, compassion we’ve been shown the jobs that really keep us going the DRS, nurses, and shop workers, the people who sweep up after us, the dustmen, the farmer, the delivery driver, all those people who the arrogant man in a suit looks down on but without whom our world would truly grind to a halt. We’ve been given a wake up call, as bad as this thing is it could be a hundred times worse our greed makes us vulnerable our humanity makes us strong,

john challenger

It’s great that a lot of people are working from home to help the economy, so why can’t they do it all the time. Less emissions on our roads.

Rossi Oxford

If virus is spread thru saliva and spit would a week of brushing teeth mouthwashe­s etc help reduce bacteria as experiment? Phil leeds

Oh well, three and more sleeps the I get to put out. wheelie bin Can’t wait. LEO,LEEDS

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