Daily Star

Baby falls 4 storeys


A BABY fell from a fourth floor window at a block of flats in Rainham, Kent.

The tot, thought to year-old boy, is stable hospital in London. be in

GEORGE Ezra’s sleep paralysis has returned.

The Covid-19 pandemic has taken its toll on the Shotgun singer’s mental health and he recently suffered his first attack for years.

Often the sleeping attacks will leave the subject unable to talk or move, and hallucinat­ions make them feel they can see/hear things in the room.

George, who had a hit with Paradise, explained: “I had my first bout of sleep paralysis that I have had in years, which essentiall­y involved me sharing a bed with a (Harry Potter character) death eater, and it was horrible.

“So I woke up the next day and was knackered, so that pushes you back a bit, and now at this point

I’ve noticed in myself I have lost motivation, because the idea of things picking up again is like this defeated energy, I can’t imagine it.”

The Britwinner has also been hard on himself for not being creative enough as he’s struggling to find inspiratio­n for songwritin­g. Speaking on his Phone A Friend podcast, George confessed: “I start beating myself up and I am like, ‘Look it’s been two months and you could have written three albums in that time,’ and it’s not happening. I am sitting down to write everyday as you would and it’s not inspiring.

“From a creative point of view I’m not feeling pumped up by this s**t.” George is still working on songs he’d already penned for the next LP. He added: “I have been playing around with the songs I’ve already written for the next record, whether or not they make it I don’t know.”

He might not have the record ready anytime soon but we might see George on Dragons’ Den next year.

The budding entreprene­ur said: “I have been working on some inventions, I’ve got some ideas.” Not that anyone has faith in his ideas. “My accountant was not keen”, George laughed.

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