Daily Star



LOVEBIRDS Stacey Dooley and Kevin Clifton star in Jessie Ware’s new music video.

The happy couple put their Strictly skills to the test and dance with one another in the vid for Jessie’s song Save A Kiss.

Shot during lockdown, it also sees 14 fans from all over the globe dance too.

Jessie said: “I love it and feel really proud with what we have made for the video.”

It’s a 10 from us.

NORMANI has been enjoying toying with her fans.

Recently the Motivation singer’s Instagram comments have become flooded with them asking for the debut record, and she’s been getting in on the fun.

The former Fifth Harmony star has been winding them up by repeatedly liking all the comments begging for the record.

I caught up with Irish singer/ songwriter to talk Touring with drinking with and new single Boxes.

Gavin James Ed Sheeran, Lewis Capaldi,

Q. What can you tell me your new single Boxes?

A. “It’s about now following the crowd, following your dreams, and doing what you love to do, and when someone says, ‘You shouldn’t be doing that,’ you tell them to f*** off!”


Q. You’ve sunk a few pints with Lewis Capaldi, can he handle his drink as well as he claims?

A. “My head is f***king huge so it takes a lot to get to my head, but last time Lewis was in Dublin we had a mad night and all I remember is we were in the exact same state so he’s on par with me. I do remember being on the dancefloor just holding each other”

Q. You toured with Ed How did that come about?


A. “Well, I was in a pub with Ed in Dublin and rememberin­g having a few drinks with him, and then next time I saw him and he shouted over the pub, ‘You wanna do a few gigs?’ and I said, ‘Are you sure you want another ginger on board?’”

Q. What the way?

A. “I quickly learnt that every night

tips did you pick up on

NOBODY needs to remind Rita Ora that it’s the hottest May in forever. Reets stripped to a tiny bikini to soak up the rays in her huge back garden. She’s got better company than most of us too, boasting: “We’ve got loads of animals, we’ve got pigs, cows, horses, llamas, swans.”

JADE Thirlwall has been encouragin­g her fans to celebrate their flaws.

And the Little Mix star reveals that her past struggles have made her the strong woman she is today.

She said: “There’s beauty in being broken, there is nothing wrong with having struggles in your life, or feeling like you can’t cope sometimes.

“If anything it adds character to who you are. It’s made me who I am today and I couldn’t be prouder of myself.

“We should celebrate our brokenness a bit more.” Well said Jade. you can’t be partying! The next day is not fun, there’s nothing more terrifying than having the beer fear in front of thousands of people.”

Q. What else for 2020?

A. “The third album is finished already too. And the second I can gig I will be on tour forever!”

are you planning

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