Daily Star

And order’


- ■ by CHRISTOPHE­R BUCKTIN news@dailystar.co.uk


DONALD Trump declared “I am your law and order” as riot-torn America continued to burn.

But the US President came under fire after he had priests tear-gassed to clear the way for a photo op outside a church.

Mr Trump insisted that he be seen to be walking the streets.

And he told America: “I am your law and order president” as he threatened to call in the military to quell protests.

At the time of his visit to St John’s Episcopal Church, rector Gini Gerbasi and fellow clergy were caught up in tear-gassing by riot control police.

Ms Gerbasi said: “I am shaken. They started using tear gas, and folks were running at us for eyewashes or water.”


And the Rt Rev Mariann Budde, the bishop of Washington, said Trump’s arrival at St John’s left her “outraged”. Nationwide protests began after black 46-year-old George Floyd died when a police officer knelt on his neck. Yesterday Mr Floyd’s brother Terrence attacked violent protests and said: “I’m not over here blowing up stuff, if I’m not over here messing up my community, what are y’all doing?”

In New York broken glass littered Fifth Avenue after rioting. And in Los Angeles, residents were warned to avoid Hollywood because of looting. Yesterday Democrat Joe Biden, who is hoping to challenge Mr Trump at November’s election, accused him of “serving the passions of his base than the needs of the people”. Mr Biden said his campaign would be a “battle for the soul of the nation” . He added: “I won’t traffic in fear and division. I won’t fan the flames of hate.”

 ??  ?? DEFIANT: Trump displays Bible
FURY: Rev Budde
ANGER: Protesters in New York
FIRECRACKE­R: Santa Ana, California
MESSAGE: Street art in Idlib, Syria
PLEA: Floyd’s brother Terrence & niece Angel
ARMED GUARD: Secret Service officer in Washington
DEFIANT: Trump displays Bible FURY: Rev Budde ANGER: Protesters in New York FIRECRACKE­R: Santa Ana, California MESSAGE: Street art in Idlib, Syria PLEA: Floyd’s brother Terrence & niece Angel ARMED GUARD: Secret Service officer in Washington

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