Daily Star

Ricky & Ralf show z-listers the way


tv gold, Ricky tommo and Ralph little on the road. Who needs to send so called celebs all over the world. Seeing great places in the north, and having a good old giggle on the way. Kev

Message 2 soap writers. When filming resumes can we get rid of over the top story lines of doom and gloom that drag on and on and on and on. Give us fun give us a laugh. Not depress us. I for one will not watch if stories continue as are. Copy each other. One thing 4 sure no longer have 2 watch ripping each others clothes off and jumping into bed with every tom dick or harry. Or anyone else. Bliss. Newy

I know we are in difficult times but tv at the moment is dreadful. Use your imaginatio­n tv planners. All repeats most of the time. Every news bulletin is all coronaviru­s. Casualty and 24 hrs in A and E and behind the scenes in doctors surgeries. Use your brains and give us a break. Mal the claret

Peter crouch on saturday night tv, what next? Joey essex on mastermind, come on bbc, get a grip!!! SCOUSE KEV

So sad to hear scouse actor Michael Angelis has passed away. He will be dearly missed.


A classic waste of money. Following the May weather, one of the shopping channels trying to get viewers to purchase false sun tan products. Even the presenters didn’t seem enthusiast­ic. Ray, Keighley

After many years of enjoying Talksport breakfast show I’ve had to stop listening Monday to Wednesday thanks to the awful Freddie Flintoff. Steve. London

 ??  ?? LAUGHS: Comedy duo
LAUGHS: Comedy duo
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