Daily Star


- ■ BY TOM TOWERS news@dailystar.co.uk

IRAN has issued an arrest warrant for Donald Trump over the killing of top general Qassem Soleimani.

The US President and more than 30 others face “murder and terrorism charges” for the assassinat­ion.

Tehran prosecutor Ali Alqasimehr said his country had asked Interpol for help and requested a “red notice”, the highest level that can be issued.

After receiving a request, the internatio­nal crime-fighting agency will discuss whether to share the informatio­n with its 194 member states.

But its guidelines forbid it from “undertakin­g any interventi­on or activities of a political” nature.

Soleimani, who led Iran’s elite Quds Force, died in a US drone strike at Baghdad airport on January 3. He was suspected of being the mastermind behind Iranian efforts to destabilis­e the Middle East.

Many considered Soleimani to be one of the most powerful men in Iran, second only to Ayatollah Khamenei.

UK officials described him as more powerful than former al-qaida boss Osama bin Laden and Islamic State leader Abu Bakr al-baghdadi – both of whom were also killed by US forces.

Trump said the 62-year-old had been “planning a big attack” before his death. The President added: “He was a monster. And he’s no longer a monster. He’s dead.” Trump claimed a “lot of lives had been saved by killing him”.

Iran retaliated with missile strikes that targeted US troops in Iraq.

Under Trump’s presidency, the US has been pushing for an extension of a United Nations arms embargo against Iran, which has restricted the country’s nuclear weapons capability.

The embargo is due to expire in October under the 2015 nuclear deal brokered by ex-us President Barack Obama. But Trump withdrew from the agreement in 2018, and imposed tough sanctions on Iranian oil exports. Last month, Iranian President Hassan Rouhani said Trump made a “stupid mistake” pulling out of the deal.

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