Daily Star

Girl’s wild passion is wearing me out



I SIMPLY can’t cope with my girlfriend’s huge sexual appetite.

I’m very pleased she desires me, but I frequently feel like her sexual plaything.

We make love every morning and night without fail. I wake up to find her already on top of me.

Then at 8pm she drags me up to bed for a nightly megasessio­n. Out come the sex toys, the adult films and fluffy handcuffs and I know I’m in for three hours of intense physical action.


It’s like she’s obsessed with me and I don’t know when she’s going to calm down. We’ve been together for just over a year.

I was told she fancied me in 2018. A mate came up to me at a party and said: “See that girl over there? She’s crazy for you”.

She waved and I smiled back. I thought nothing of it because I was dating my ex at the time.

But from then on we kept bumping into each other. I’d see her at my gym, in my favourite coffee shop and on the bus.

She’d come up to my face and tell me I was looking fantastic.

She was so chatty and flirty that I eventually dumped my ex and asked her out.

Now I’m not so sure that all of these meetings were actually coincidenc­es. I wonder if she targeted me and ground me down…

I’m partly back in my office now, but during lockdown she was in her element. She followed me around kissing and stroking me like an adored pet.

If I’m quite honest, I think I’d like a break from sex to get my head together. But I’ve got a horrible feeling she’ll explode if I even suggest such a thing.

JANE SAYS: You describe an almost cartoonish situation.

You are trying to conduct a civilised, adult relationsh­ip while your eager partner chases you around the house like a horny hornet. Doesn’t she realise that sex needs to be mutually respectful to be satisfying and enjoyable?

If you’re feeling put upon and overwhelme­d by her sexual appetite, then insist on getting back to square one.

Discuss boundaries. You get it that she loves and fancies you, but you don’t have batteries in your back and life doesn’t have to be lived at 100mph. What about time to think and chill?

If you’re not enjoying being pawed and tossed around, then suggest starting again on more equal terms. Get her to explain herself and her motivation. Is she terrified that you’re going to run out and leave her?

Sadly, if she still doesn’t understand or accept where you’re coming from, then you have to get tough or you’ll seriously begin to resent and loathe this woman.

I don’t think you need to worry about how you came together because you’re a grown man and have to take personal responsibi­lity for the choices you make.

If you’ve made mistakes then it’s in your interests to learn from them.

 ??  ?? DANGEROUS LIAISON: He is worn out trying to cope with his girlfriend’s sexual demands
DANGEROUS LIAISON: He is worn out trying to cope with his girlfriend’s sexual demands
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