Daily Star




A RUNAWAY emu has caused a flap over fears she could charge into traffic.

The RSPCA is desperate to find “timid” Ethel, who looks like Rod Hull’s TV puppet and fled home five days ago.

A SPEEDY emu is on the loose after fleeing her owner’s home.

Police fear 6ft Ethel, who can run at 30mph, could injure herself if she strays on to a busy road.

She has eluded capture by police and animal rescue services for almost a week.

Owner Kerry Dobson said the “timid” creature is “terrified”.

Kerry added: “She’s been running since Thursday so could be anywhere.

“She’s had stones thrown at her and all sorts.

“She’s not used to being out – she must be terrified.

“We are in contact with the police and the RSPCA but had no luck catching her. She was so scared she just kept running.”

The pet has been spotted repeatedly in parks around Doncaster, South Yorks, but keeps getting away.

A South Yorkshire Police spokesman said: “At 3.40pm on Thursday police were alerted to an emu loose in Doncaster. Attending officers sought to contain the bird safely in a nearby field, but the emu ran off at speed.

“The last sightings suggested it was heading back towards where it was believed to live in Sprotbroug­h but we are unable to confirm if it was reunited with its owner as it ran off.”

An RSPCA spokesman said: “We’ve advised we will come out to try to catch it if it is in an enclosed area, so it sounds like it’s still at large at the moment.”

Emus, native to Australia, are the second biggest bird in the world in terms of height. Only ostriches, also in the ratite flightless bird family, are larger.

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 ??  ?? ■ BIRD WATCH: People have spotted the giant in fields and parks
■ BIRD WATCH: People have spotted the giant in fields and parks
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TRAFFIC PANIC: Cops fear the 6ft bird could run into a road, causing carnage
■ TRAFFIC PANIC: Cops fear the 6ft bird could run into a road, causing carnage

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