Daily Star

Rebellion city chaos


Police assistant chief constable, said: “We know that for much of our tourism economy the bank holiday brings opportunit­y to try and make up for revenue lost during lockdown earlier this year.

“We are working to support this and hope everyone can enjoy our towns, beaches and moors in a safe and respectabl­e manner.

“Demand on the police and all emergency services, including HM Coastguard, has been enormous during August.”

Devon and Cornwall Police took more than 2,000 999 calls on August 24 and 25.

The force added: “Drink-related issues have been particular­ly prevalent but are avoidable if people remember their limits and act responsibl­y.”

EXTINCTION Rebellion has vowed to spark bank holiday weekend chaos by blocking streets in major cities.

The eco-warriors are plotting blockades in London, Manchester and Cardiff to urge MPS to back a climate emergency bill.

They also plan banner drops, sit-ins, marches and picnics around the UK.

It includes a “mad hatter’s tea party” at Gatwick Airport and shutting off a Bristol bridge with a jumbo elephant.

And five groups will block roads leading to Parliament as they march on Westminste­r on Tuesday.

Anneka Sutcliffe, from Extinction Rebellion, said: “We’re really hoping to have a big show of solidarity.”

OTHER birds beware Wiltshire monument were a – a falcon surveys the prime spot for the sport of horizon at Stonehenge falconry in Victorian times.

ahead of public displays this English Heritage is bank holiday weekend. reviving the tradition at The skies above the its sites across the country. ★

The charity’s Jenny Davies said: “We are delighted to recreate yet another element of Stonehenge’s fascinatin­g and eclectic recent history.”

 ??  ?? GUSHING: Tintagel waterfall
SPLASHING TIME: Car in Wallsend, North Tyneside
GUSHING: Tintagel waterfall SPLASHING TIME: Car in Wallsend, North Tyneside

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