Daily Star

He only wants me when he is horny FELLA’S NEVER LOVING


MY lover has never kissed, cuddled or spent a whole night with me.

Sex with him is cold, hard and driven. We’ve been seeing each other off- and- on for five years and I’m still no nearer to cracking his outer shell.

He says that kissing is for sissies and I won’t catch him falling in love.

He admits he developed a mad crush as a 17- year- old and had his heart so badly broken that he’s vowed never to make himself vulnerable again.


I’d love him to take me in his arms and snog and caress me, only he won’t. We only ever have sex his way and it’s invariably unromantic and rushed.

I’ve accused him of being unfeeling and selfish but he just shrugs.

He thinks nothing of leaping off the mattress the second he’s orgasmed, even if it’s 2am.

After a quick shower he throws his clothes back on and heads out the door.

It doesn’t matter how much I beg or cry, he simply will not show me love or commitment.

Occasional­ly I’ll test him. I’ll say that I’m in trouble or ill and need him to come over. I get a two- word text back that says:

“Forget it.” More than once he’s stormed that if I become too needy or dependant he’ll run.

I get that he was hurt before but that was 12 years ago.

My friends and family have no idea that I’m so unhappy. They’d all go nuts if they realised just how badly he treats me.

JANE SAYS: The people who care for you would be horrified, so why are you hiding the truth from them?

Your friends and family have your best interests at heart, yet you’re allowing a cynical individual to rob you of your time and self- worth.

What kind of hold does this man have over you? Why do you continue to give him your love when he couldn’t be more cruel if he tried?

Face it, he’s a user. He views your bed as nothing more than a facility.

He turns up whenever he’s feeling horny, indulges his sexual urges ( entirely on his terms) and then leaves again without so much as a backward glance.

Despite you begging him for kisses and commitment, he can’t get his clothes on fast enough.

So he was hurt and humiliated

as a 17- year old. So what? So was virtually everyone else on the planet.

If he’s determined to carry that chip on his shoulder forever then that displays an amazing level of immaturity.

Please see him for what he is and dump him before he sucks any more life out of you. Accept he is never going to make you happy and give yourself a break.

There are thousands of decent guys looking for love and respect just as much as you are.

When the time looking for one. is right, go

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 ??  ?? FAST & FURIOUS: He comes round for quick sex and then legs it, but she wants true love
FAST & FURIOUS: He comes round for quick sex and then legs it, but she wants true love

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