Daily Star

MPS’ attitude a slap in face of brave NHS


Westminste­r MPS drinking/ partying/ dancing on the graves of the covid dead and a slap on the faces of brave NHS workers. Sack these MPS and strip them of their wealth and titles. Give NHS a rise not a badge.

Kenny Paisley

Empty the house of commons ( who are drinking, smoking an eating all subsidised) and as for the house of lords, why a bunch of old gits who are lords and earls who have lived in mansions all their lives and want to keep the poor poor and themselves and their rich fox hunting, grouse shooting buddies rich and were never democratic­ally elected. Should of gone a long time ago!

Guy Fawkes

MPS and lords drinking on duty: I want u dstar petition no booze in lords or commons – it’s a place of work – print a form in paper u’ll get millions sign it.


The MPS were fast enough to award themselves a 3k a year pay rise. But vote against free school meals for kids at half term. Alan. Newcastle

Victoria Derbyshire, BBC high profile employee: She is willing to break the law ( rule of six) risking our lives and that of others. She should be sacked before anyone takes notice of her. the Dodge She has since said she would “continue to follow whatever rules are in place” – Ed

no wonder sir keir is silent on marcus rashford it was a labour government that was in power when his mum struggled to feed her family. tim pittway in manchester while everyone is going on about feeding kids over the holidays is anybody going to help the pensioners who die of hypothermi­a in winter because they can’t afford to heat their homes or have to make a choice between eating or heating. The irony of this fact is that pensioners are no longer protected by the triple lock and are going to lose their free travel – are we trying to deliberate­ly kill off our pensioners. Annette Malcolmson

I remember being told to go to friends houses asking for rice/ bread pudding because we were hungry after our dad died – no compenstio­n from company ( their neglect) and our bath wa was in front of the kitchen en ( wat water boiled in stone copper per in scullery and a heated brick w wrapped cloth for our hot water bottle. Yeah tho those were the days many have it easy today but govt does look after it its friends. C Saxby

hear hear to Buddy Fan: yes I w was born during the sec second WW, my dad did 18yr 18yrs in The Navy, got demobed mobe 1945/ 46, head man at local Telephone Exchange, he worked night nig times @ did land work during the day as he had a big Family. We had no handouts, we didn’t starve, had 10 yrs of Rationing but we all lived a good life, made our own play things.

I wander how these so called hard done to would have managed when we had 3 day weeks, power cuts, 15% intrest rates, & 166 died in Aberfan, you’re hard done to, do me favour.


if Britain can give 1 billion per month away in Foreign aid why not a free school meal for British children during this Pandemic. Charity begins at home first Boris.

Tod Barnsley

Why don’t children in need pay for free meals? SUNDANCE

The people of Wales were warned what the 17 day lock down rules would be, now they are complainin­g that they can’t buy clothes etc during this period, why didn’t they do that sort of shopping before the lock down date it’s not rocket science. Bry Anglesey

Well done the SBS for the raid on the tanker, immaculate­ly done. Our special forces are the best in the world.

Dave in Sffk

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