Daily Star

Cyclists can kill and injure people as well


Re The Pleb’s silly text about rather being hit by a cyclist than a gas guzzling piece of metal. Yeah, because pedestrian­s haven’t been killed by cyclists. ANNE P

Pleb. I’ve was run down by a cyclist and ended up in hospital for three weeks. Idiotic remark on your part.

Sandra W

Regarding brexit, just walk away Boris. We cannot have a deal with a corrupt eu that just issues threat after threat. We want to be a country not ruled by eu, why would we want a trade deal with a union that threatens our fishing, our business, our laws, and our rights? They will not give us a deal that they have given other countries because they know we would be prosperous, and they don’t want us to be prosperous, because if we are, many other countries will want to leave !


Can you imagine what would have happened if these bozeo mp. s had been in charge during the war.


Perhaps Bozo could stop ALL fishing round UK waters then we could have less marine mammals killed being caught up in discarded nets. Anon sturgeon what scotland needs is a government that looks after the whole of scotland not one that has squandered billions of pounds of tax payers money with no returns back for the tax payers. b. t. b.

Blackpool like a ghost town in Tier3 and yet Centre of the Universe London constantly full of some sort of Protesters without face masks and packed together in Tier2. Looks like rules for London and Tier3 for others. Tod

What a pompous prat lawrence fox is. he and his view re covid and health service like him disgusting. he may need the health service sooner or later. Lawrence Antrim

to l’pool jackie i doubt there’s millions who loved maradona what is there to love? millions who hate him more like. trucker mick

Re maradona being a cheat. What about the players of today? somebody touches there arm with a finger and they fall to the ground as if they have been shot by a sniper to try and get a penalty or free kick. Maradona was and ALWAYS will be GOD !!!! With a great left hand. Watty83

‘ Johnsonus Rectus Verbalarus Orifus’ means ‘ Johnson talks through his a** e.’ The Classisist

Tory MPS going to be whipped – kinky! Lawman

Loved your article on Caribbean pirate queens of the C18th They broke gender boundaries to a merciless extreme outstrippi­ng male counterpar­ts Its no wonder Wayne and Jamie have left Becky and Coleen to their modern day version of events sailing on vessels Instagram and Twitter fighting too like ‘ hellcats’. Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned lol. Brian

What a great article in Sundays DS featuring the Shih tzu Ducky, it made my day in this miserable Covid time, the pictures were superb, he was enjoying his time in front of the camera, thank you. Old Albert, Blackpool

When there’s a bank robbery why do armed response police teams turn up with laser pointers on their guns? How many banks get robbed by cats? Duffy

I ear Mike Tyson has a new taste for boxing. It’s something he can sink his teeth into! Maverick

Its the ‘ Big Bang Theory’ Geordie Ray that formed the human race. From rocks and dust and atoms, hurtling through space. The cosmic dust formed planet Earth, it takes our breath away. Magnificen­t in its splendour, it changes every day. Us latter day philosophe­rs who ponder, think and ask, the burning question this year; will Santa wear a mask?

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