Daily Star

New powers will make us a police state


So, it’s official then folks – we’re now living in a Orwellian police state. This new Police Powers Bill banning the right to peaceful protest confirms that Britain is now twinned with North Korea. What next, everyone having to have a Boris haircut? Hugh Jarse in Derby

Former top Tory Alan Duncan calls Bozo a clown a buffoon and shameless clot while Priti Patel is abysmal etc etc – at last a Tory tells the truth. Mike

Why do protesters bother? They make a noise, a few get arrested, have their moment of glory by being shown dragged away. That’s about it really. Apart from taking up police time, that’s it. Just what do they achieve? Their protests never change anything, apart from maybe peoples opinions of such individual­s.

Ray, Keighley

vaccine passports in pubs and other social areas is a complete waste of time and money, because according to government you can still infect other people with the virus. So no slip of paper is going to prevent you from infection. Mark

I’m in my 50’s & didn’t get a vaccinatio­n card when I was vaccinated. The Scots don’t. Just a booklet. I’ve no smartfone so can’t do silly Apps. So how do I get in pubs & restaurant­s when they open eh?

Forgotten & ignored D Goldsmith

The jobs guru in monday’s star was on about age discrimina­tion but how many over 50s could work at the speed amazon or hermes dictate? theres a reason police and firemen retire early. well the same should be applied to other physical jobs. life experience is rubbish how would that help you? its job experience that helps. Dd

How many of the young people who trashed our parks during the good weather were protesting 2 years ago about climate change and the need to save the planet? Jimbob

Fantastic, all the shops I visited are sold out of Easter eggs by good Friday. So anyone wanting to buy Easter eggs for loved ones who has been too busy working in the run up to Easter will have to do without. Another example of this country going crazy! Thanks to all the panic buyers. Holly Trees

It really made me sad to here people state on TV they were really Desperate to get away on holidays after Year of doing without due to lockdown. How do you think our dads and mums felt when dad was away sometimes for years fighting in WW2 without seeing their families? How pathetic if you can’t wait until it’s safe from Covid to have a holiday, if you can’t try a SUNBED. Tod

If A Publicity Shy Lady Runs 4 The Presidency £ Wins Which She Will! That Will Make Her Publicity Shy Hubby 1st Gentleman Can U Imagine The 1st Official State Visit? Wow! Steve

I see pep Guardiola having another moan about his pampered players. he has the biggest squad in the Premier tell him to go back to the proper football era 70/80 where they had 13/14 men squads and were playing on pitches that today’s pampered players would not even train on. Petermac

Just reading the Two Ronnie’s jokes in yr paper had me laughin out loud in stitches they don’t make em like that anymore! Cheered me up no end many thx more please! JB

When buying bread I hate it when one or both sides are caved in any body else hate that? Farouk Crosshill

To stop seagulls nickin ya chip butty, eat it inside – simples. Pete the blade

IN HOSPITAL, Bought daffodil bulbs instead of onions, doc says I will be out in the spring. Phil corrigan

Just started my own business making yachts in my loft. Sails are through the roof. marky of roseworth

 ?? Big A, Swindon ?? Would love a picture of WWE wrestler Charlotte Flair.
Big A, Swindon Would love a picture of WWE wrestler Charlotte Flair.

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