Daily Star

HS2’S just waste of cash and not a cunning plan


❑ The government’s insistence on spending billions which the country has not got on HS2 in order to shave a few seconds off train journeys reminds me of the episode of Blackadder when Field Marshall Haig ordered everyone to go over the top in an attempt to move his drinks cabinet six inches closer to Berlin. Anon

❑ Re Anon. Don’t need the Labour Party to pull the Tories to bits. They are doing that themselves. anon

❑ Re mossy : 43.6% isn’t a majority the tories got and Scotland, NI and Wales didn’t elect this tory government into power . THE PLEB.

❑ 30th of June is D day Boris trigger article 16 and cut the last EU interferen­ce in our affairs. You got the full backing of the UK people to get us out (out means out) not keep us tied to the EU with half ar--d deals! Get it done or resign and give the job to somebody who wants to and will get us totaly free of the hated EU. Alan in Teesdale.

❑ reality check russia is a threat we don’t have a vaccine for get the top military bosses out of isolation and stop f **** ing about, conniving warlords like putin don’t worry about social distance or stupid masks but they will take advantage of weak fools that do, war always comes when you least expect it so you should always be on guard, hope for peace prepare for war. John challenger.

❑ I hope an independen­t Scotland follows Denmark, Norway and Sweden. Let’s have a wellbeing country and put the people not greed and cronyism first. Stevie, m/well

❑ What the hell is going on. Remember last year it was reported Nissan Sunderland were saying they will move business to Europe because of Brexit. Now they are talking about creating 2000 jobs in NE with new batteries. Brexit has come and gone. Was moving to Europe idle threats or just talk? anon

❑ Nissan were going to leave UK over Brexit, they are now creating 2000 jobs by accepting Brexit. All Remainers should do the same. SCOUSE

❑ looking at the hancock saga can some-one explain how a ministeria­l building supposedly a secure place can have a ‘main office’ bugged by a camera in a smoke detector?! Me thinks a savvy member of staff saw an opportunit­y to sell the story to a paper !! robtin

❑ what a shower this government turned out to be what with first Dominic Cummings and now the Matt Hancock row. ron

❑ Piers Morgan for Prime Minister? I’d vote for him. Eve.

❑ those who don’t want to help refugees because “we have our own poor people” don’t want to help our own poor people either. anon

❑ Speedos for men are MAKING a COMEBACK at the pool/ beach Mine jumped out from a charity shop window Brazil colours yellow/ green with SHOCKED LOOKS from my partner. Brian Linford Pontefract.

❑ Noel Gallagher was in paper saying he’s fascinated by WW 1 and 2 where you were fighting for Queen and Country. The Queen wasn’t on the throne then ..... both wars saw Kings on the throne ...... idiot. Tommy.

❑ which came first the chicken or the egg? neither because there was nothing to shout about. andy the witchyman corsham wilts.

❑ when me and my brother tried something daring as kids, we would always hear mums priceless saying: “Don’t come running to me when you break your legs!” pompey tone

❑ There was a genuine notice in a field not far from where we live – “the cows in this field will let you through for nothing, but the bull might charge.” Stewart&geoff, Tursdale, Co Durham

 ??  ?? ■ I miss seeing Jenni Falconer on the telly. Can I have a pic please Ron, stepney
■ I miss seeing Jenni Falconer on the telly. Can I have a pic please Ron, stepney

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