Daily Star




YOU have been feeling left out of things recently. Friends haven’t been banging on your door. The phone has been quiet and texts are abrupt. Don’t wait for other people to get in touch. Contact them and let everyone know you are keen to meet up. **


YOU’RE about to give up on a difficult job. A few simple suggestion­s from a friend will be enough to jolt your tired mind into realising where you have been going wrong. Once you have the solution, you will be able to sort everything out.


LEO March 21 to April 20 May 22 to June 21 July 24 to August 23

A GOAL you hadn’t expected to reach is in sight. You’ll be informed that your efforts have been successful. Taking up an unexpected opportunit­y will give you a new sense of achievemen­t. At last you are starting to feel you are making progress.



IT can be disappoint­ing when your ideas aren’t met with enthusiasm. Someone who is stuck in their ways will object to your suggestion­s. You will intend to go ahead anyway. Just keep a low profile and try not to ruffle anyone’s feathers.



A FRIEND or colleague who recently gave you a lot of help with a project that was important to you could now do with some support. They won’t ask outright, but you will notice where you can be of assistance and you’ll be happy to repay the favour.


VIRGO April 21 to May 21 June 22 to July 23 August 24 to September 23

WHETHER it is an exchange of holiday tips or just shop talk, you will get a lot from conversati­ons going on around you. Someone will ask for your advice on a dilemma. You will know exactly what to say or do to help ease their burden.


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