Daily Star

My time to bring it back..



S CLUB 7’s Jo O’meara has insisted now is the perfect time for her to re-start her solo career as she’s sounding and looking better than ever.

The Essex-born singer has spent the past year at home getting in the best shape of her life, as she gears up to release her first solo LP, With Love, in more than 15 years.

Jo told me: “I have definitely used my time in the lockdowns to give myself an overhaul.

“I have been getting into the training, and getting out walking because there was a time where you couldn’t do anything else but walk and so I thought I would embrace it.

“I feel so much better in myself and I feel a lot more ready to do this now.”

And she’s confident her voice is in tip-top shape too after finally ditching the cigarettes after years of smoking.

She continued: “My voice has definitely matured and grown up a lot since the S Club days.

“I feel like my voice is the best it’s ever been and I am very happy I have managed to kick my horrible habit of smoking so that has definitely helped.

“I didn’t realise how bad it is until I gave it up.” The Bring It All Back hitmaker’s latest tune Sweet Surrender sees Jo ditch the ballads for an R&B beat, and she teased that With Love explores many different sounds.

She said: “You have some big ballads on there, some country vibes, the R&B, it’s a complete mixed bag.”

Despite her solo adventure Jo said a full S Club 7 reunion is never out of the question: “Who knows what the future holds? I don’t have the answers to that.”

With Love arrives on August 27.

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