Daily Star

Conflictin­g mask advice is confusing


❑ As we head towards ‘Freedom Day’ on 19 July, there seems to be some masks confusion regarding wearing face coverings. Police officers are keeping masks on, and various regional mayors are trying to keep masks mandatory on public transport. This conflictin­g advice on mask wearing could trigger a new conflict in an already divided society, between those who choose to wear a mask and those who don’t. Dave Pinfold, Stockport ❑ sick an tired of the doom masters going against wot the jellyfish has said has to happen on the 19th, if u want to carry on wearing ur stupid masks go ahead but keep ur noses out of other peoples lives. And as far as the mayor of london saying u must wear one on public transport who the f*** is he to ignore his leaders instructio­ns? Get him out now his head is getting to big for his boots. sam saunders walsall ❑ With knife crime out of control in London I would have thought that useless mayor Sadiq Khan and the equally useless Met would have preferred people not to wear masks as it might make it easier to catch and identify wrong-doers.

Big Tim, Somerset

❑ Richard Branson has that much money he doesn’t know what to do with it. Give half to good causes you greedy b**tard you’ll still have £2billion left. MACDUCKFAC­E

❑ 11 people starve to death every minute and BRANSON spends a fortune on peevishly beating opposition to space. Brian Linford Pontefract ❑ Esther Mcvey spot on over new BBC boss Tim Davie he was going to do hell and all but has just carried on from Tony Hall with the left wing bias of Remain. DAWN CHORUS

❑ Charlie Perry: £250 in bribes to get into euros final is hardly not paying you a##e !!!! T Marlow

❑ Fortnum & Mason selling crisps for £25 absolute rip off they’re only spuds after all ffs. Dick Turnip

❑ Martin from roseworth bookies: childbirth like having a tooth out eh? Imagine not going 2 the loo 4 a few days then u do. Multiply that pain by 20 give u an idea? Only a man cud say that. If men had 2 give birth the world wud b a lot smaller! GINNY P ❑ re tubs its not north south or east west divides its proximity to bloody london, too far from the place and you get ignored to close and you get assimilate­d, my village used to be a lovely farming community everyone new everyone and we all worked close to home then in came the affluent londoners pushing prices up taking over every committee and parish council moaning about straw on the road at harvest, tractor noise and animal smells and the church bells, their kids are all to posh for the village school which was once full, they have wrecked our community turning it into a gated community rather than a village, that is the danger of being to close to bloody london. John challenger ❑ if pitchfork is deemed no threat, y then, duz he av 2 live at a set address? Y is his contact with children limited? And y duz he av 2 face a curfew. Much easier & safer option keep the odious maggot in prison till death. Bantaman ❑ I voted for a end to capital punishment, however with the advancemen­ts of DNA and forensic science this has changed my opinion. Bill Kelly ❑ Fruit and veg on the NHS? How will they check that the obese people are eating it? What’s wrong with this country? Can’t anybody think for themselves? Gary Swindon ❑ shark attacks now called negative encounters but this is not accurate if the shark is hunting for a tasty morsel and he grabs someone surely for the hungry shark it’s a positive encounter like when we get a burger and chips except with a bit more squealing.

 ??  ?? ■ We see Nicole Scherzinge­r all the time but how about a pic of the best Pussycat Doll, Kimberly Wyatt? Den blackpool
■ We see Nicole Scherzinge­r all the time but how about a pic of the best Pussycat Doll, Kimberly Wyatt? Den blackpool

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