Daily Star


- Mike Ward

If you limit yourself to just the one comedy tonight – and I’m not suggesting you should, it’s not some daft new COVID rule or anything — then I’d strongly advise you to make it BACK TO LIFE, series two of which starts at 10.35pm on BBC One (and also arrives today on the iplayer).

Set on the Kent coast, it’s the one where Daisy Haggard plays Miri, back on home turf after serving 18 years for murder — and finding that starting afresh is harder than she’d hoped.

As we pick up the story, Miri has been out of jail for six weeks. But fresh revelation­s have threatened one of the few friendship­s she thought she could rely on.

On the plus side, her less than wholly helpful parole officer Janice (the hilarious Jo Martin) has at least found her some work at a supermarke­t.

And the little twonk who’s put in charge of supervisin­g her there, revelling in this tiny bit of power he’s been given, soon finds there’s only so far he can push her.

Elsewhere, in episode three of the brilliant ANNIKA (9pm, Alibi) — where Nicola Walker plays the lead detective of a Marine Homicide Unit in Scotland and also talks straight to the camera a lot, like Miranda used to do, only more world-weary and less manic — a top scientist is found dead in Loch Katrine.

Turns out loads of people might have wanted him bumped off, but which of them turned the dream into a reality?

Meanwhile, away from work, Annika has taken a fancy to the shrink (Paul Mcgann) who’s been hired to help her daughter.

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