Daily Star

Mate’s blind eye to me & his wife



MY mate knows I’m bedding his wife but doesn’t seem to care.

He’s still talking to me like nothing is going on. We meet for drinks before football and have a quick lunch after golf.

We chat about everything from politics and sport to people we used to work with.

I’m perplexed and freaked out. Doesn’t he care that I’m pleasuring his wife? Isn’t he jealous? Doesn’t he have any feelings?


There’s no way he doesn’t know we’re an item because (I’m ashamed to say) he’s caught us together, many times over.

The first time he spotted us snogging in the street, he simply carried on walking past. My lover froze as she expected him to blow his top, but he pretended he hadn’t seen us.

A couple of weeks later he came home from work early and found us naked in his bed. Our clothes were all over the floor and there were condoms and sex toys on the bedside table.

This time he closed the door saying: “Oops. Sorry.”

Just the other day, she and I were in my car on the way back from an overnight stay in a hotel, when he stepped out on a zebra crossing in front of us. He knows

my car of old, but, again, he just looked straight ahead.

His wife says she doesn’t understand it because he’s not said anything to her either. They still have the occasional bonk, but he’s never broken down, slagged her off or demanded changes.

Could it be true that he just doesn’t care? In many ways, a good row would clear the air and force all of us to make some decisions regarding the future because I’m single and really do love this special woman.

JANE SAYS: My heart goes out to this poor man. He must be feeling devastated and

totally humiliated. Knowing his mate is sleeping with his wife can only be a form of mental torture.

What are you playing at? Why are you doing this to him? Why didn’t you stop and walk away the very first time he caught you?

I suspect he’s not saying anything because he’s terrified of bringing matters to a head. It’s highly likely that he believes he’ll end up the loser – if he buries his head in the sand, then, hopefully, this will all blows over.

You and your lover may believe you’re having a marvellous

time, but you’re being childish and unfair.

The best thing you can do is finish things with your lover and insist she goes back to her husband to sort this out. She needs to be honest with him about her feelings and atrocious behaviour.

She has to say “sorry” and admit her guilt.

Whether they stay together is up to them, but you also need to level with him because no-one deserves to be treated with such cruelty.

You call yourself his friend, but with this behaviour you are an opportunis­t snake.

 ?? ?? DRINKING PALS: But cheating with his wife is one topic that never gets discussed
DRINKING PALS: But cheating with his wife is one topic that never gets discussed

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