Daily Star

Boss offered me a festive threesome



ONE of the senior bosses has invited me to join him and his wife in a Christmas threesome.

He says he’s always fancied me and can see that I’m someone who is clearly “up for a bit of fun”.

I’ve met his wife twice and she seems friendly and trustworth­y.

He says the threesome can take place in his house or a swanky hotel. It’s up to me.

He’ll provide champagne, sexy lingerie and adult toys and we’ll have a frisky Yuletide blast.

He’ll even pay my expenses. He’s a wealthy man and a colleague has confirmed he can be very generous if he wants to be.


She once went on a dirty weekend with him, and his mistress and he gave her £500 and a gold bracelet. She sold the bracelet and paid her credit card debts.

I could do with something like that. I’m seriously overdrawn and really need a cash injection before Christmas. On the one hand I’m flattered and intrigued, but on the other I’m scared too.

I used to regularly have threesomes with my ex-boyfriend and his female flatmate, but that was several years ago and I just don’t know if I’m that girl any more.

My best mate says I’d be crazy to turn him down because he’s

powerful and gorgeous. I’m ambitious and it would be great if he could help me to get on at work.

But I’ve never had myself down as a person who sleeps with the boss to climb to the top.

Does that make me boring and weak when he’s only talking about one night of naughtines­s?

JANE SAYS: You have to be true to yourself.

If you are really not sure about your boss’s invitation, then tell him: “Thanks, but no thanks.” What you can’t do is allow yourself to be dazzled.

I’m sure he is good-looking and powerful and that his

wife seems nice, but you don’t know them or understand what makes them tick.

What if you get into a room with them and things take a dark turn? What if you find yourself compromise­d or even scared?

You may work with the guy and he may come across as a charmer, but you don’t owe them anything. Is he grooming you in the same way that he groomed your colleague?

What if he takes pictures, demands a replay, or even threatens to blackmail you?

We are close to Christmas; so think about how you might

feel afterwards. Do you really wish to spend Christmas Day with your family or pals worrying about returning to work in January?

I’d hate to think that you’d even consider such a move to pay off debts. Go through all of your accounts and work out what you owe. Then check out nationalde­btline. org for budgeting advice.

Ultimately, your boss is in a position of power and responsibi­lity. Should he really be courting staff members for threesomes? Isn’t it time that someone spoke to your HR department about him?

 ?? ?? OFFICE BONUS: A top boss has offered her a threesome with added financial benefits
OFFICE BONUS: A top boss has offered her a threesome with added financial benefits

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