Daily Star



MAX VERSTAPPEN says he wants to stay with British-based Red Bull team ‘for life’ after securing his first world title.

The 24-year-old Dutch driver was understand­ably emotional after his remarkable triumph, saying: “My team deserve it. My team knows I love them and I hope we can do this for 10, 15 years together.

“I don’t want to change, ever. I want to stay with them for the rest of my life, if they will have me.

“I’m so happy. I’ve dreamt of this. Our goal was to win this championsh­ip and now we have done that.”

And Verstappen (inset) revealed he was in so much pain during his final lap that he could barely step on the gas.

The new world champion was struck by cramp as he launched a dramatic attack on Hamilton that secured his first Formula One World Championsh­ip.

“I thought I didn’t have the force to push any more,” he said. “I had cramp but this was the final lap and I had to bite down and get through the pain.”

Verstappen’s discomfort was just another small twist in a remarkable last race of the season

“It certainly did not look good for me but I just kept pushing until the very end and things fell for us in a way they maybe haven’t during the season,” said Verstappen. “Finally, there was a bit of luck for me.

“Throughout the whole race, I kept fighting and then there was the opportunit­y on the last lap. It’s incredible.”

And if Verstappen really does want to commit to Red Bull ‘for life’, Christian Horner would gladly draw up a new contract.

The Red Bull team principal said: “I am so proud of Max and of the team for what we have been through this year.

“You just knew Max was not going to give it up. He had come so far this season

“During the last 10 laps, I was thinking what would I say to Max and the guys to pick them up and then out came the safety car.

“But I feel like it is the right result. We have won the drivers’ championsh­ip and they have won the constructo­rs. And we will all come back to try again next year.”

Horner promised Williams driver Nicholas Latifi a lifetime supply of Red Bull after his crash ultimately led to the safety car which gave Verstappen his chance.

“He’ll be getting a lifetime supply of Red Bull for sure,” Horner said.

Lewis Hamilton, presumably, will be trying again next year, although – as his team protested the result – he did not attend the official post-race press conference.

But the Brit was gracious in defeat, saying: “Congratula­tions to Max and his team.

“I think we did an amazing job this year and all the people in the team have worked so hard in a difficult season.

“I am so proud of them and so grateful to be part of the journey with them.

“We gave it everything and never gave up – that is the most important thing.”

 ?? ?? GOOD LEW-SER: Hamilton is quick to congratula­te his nemesis on victory
GOOD LEW-SER: Hamilton is quick to congratula­te his nemesis on victory

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