Daily Star

No one likes bloke I’m ready to marry



I’M planning to marry a man no one likes.

I know he’s unpopular and despised because every person I know has told me – to my face.

My dad thinks he’s a spiv. My best mate is convinced he’s a crook and I can’t even say what my sister has branded him.

The thing is, I like the guy. He’s generous and kind and he’s good to me. I accept that he’s loud and flash, and can be something of a show-off, but at least he’s got spark and is fantastic in bed.

I’m enjoying the best sex of my life and don’t see why I should give that up for anyone. Do you?


Compared with all of my exboyfrien­ds, my fiancé is a breath of fresh air and a shining light. He’s funny, rude and minted.

He buys me great presents and treats me to fantastic meals and nights out. Yes, I admit he does have a bit of money, but that’s not why I love him.

Unfortunat­ely, convincing my nearest and dearest he’s worthy of my hand is proving tricky.

My mum says she can’t stand to look at his smug face and won’t be coming to our wedding. My dad is completely under her thumb and does as he is told.

I’ve sent out “save the date” cards for next June and several friends have already replied that they have holidays booked for the week of the wedding.

Fancy that! Who knew my normally useless mates were so organised when it comes to planning holidays for next year?

I’m furious and disappoint­ed. Why can’t people give us a chance to prove our love?

JANE SAYS: Weddings are expensive occasions.

Your friends and relatives have decided they’re not interested in buying new clothes, presents and whatever else might be required to celebrate your marriage to a guy they can’t stand. That’s up to them.

You can’t force or shame anyone into accepting an invitation, even if it has been issued a year in advance.

It sounds like you’re living your best life at the moment. Your guy is fun and attentive, and the sex is great.

But it worries me that you’re comparing this guy to all the “boring” ex-boyfriends who have gone before.

Is it possible that your head is in the clouds and you’re slightly giddy at the moment? Do you need to give yourself time to calm down and see things more clearly? I’m in no doubt your guy does have some great qualities, but isn’t it a little odd that no one in your crowd can find a good word to say about him?

Don’t stick with him out of pride or to show your friends and family you won’t be pushed around.

Enjoy these crazy times. Take it one day at a time and just see what happens.

It would be wonderful if you and he were to find happiness and win everyone round. The hard work and charm offensive starts here.

Good luck.

 ?? ?? WEDDING SNUB: She’s planning her big day but friends and family can’t stand the groom
WEDDING SNUB: She’s planning her big day but friends and family can’t stand the groom

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