Daily Star




ARIES March 21 to April 20 DON’T be in a rush to embark on a romance or get close to a new friend or neighbour. If you sense someone isn’t trustworth­y, tread warily. Confiding in a friend you can trust will help you see a personal dilemma from a more objective perspectiv­e. GEMINI May 22 to June 21 YOUR mind takes you to the past. This will help you re-evaluate and revisit old haunts, habits, fears and joys. Through this journey you will discover what is now missing in your life. You need this reminder of what is really important to you. LEO July 24 to August 23 IF you’re planning a holiday, choose somewhere off the beaten track. You enjoy being in the spotlight, but it is solitude and silence you yearn for now. A hideaway where you can relax, dream and create without outside interferen­ce will be therapeuti­c. LIBRA September 24 to October 23 SOMEONE is testing boundaries by going against your wishes. Whether this is in the home or the workplace, be sure to follow through with an ultimatum. Some discipline now will be much better than disaster in the future. SAGITTARIU­S November 23 to December 21 THERE is something rewarding and fulfilling about being able to turn your ideas into reality while overseeing other people’s work. Presiding over an important venture is the opportunit­y you have been looking for to put your leadership skills to work. AQUARIUS January 21 to February 19 YOUR concerns about other people are stopping you from moving forwards. Are there hopes that you will get what you want? This can only happen if you start making your own needs a priority. Those who care for you will be supportive. TAURUS April 21 to May 21 YOU’VE been feeling trapped by circumstan­ces or long-term arrangemen­ts that no longer make you happy. Meeting up with old friends will make you realise there are options open to you to break out of this restrictin­g situation. CANCER June 22 to July 23 SOMEONE close expects you to buy them an expensive gift because they can’t afford it. You wonder why they feel you have the money for luxuries when there are bills to be paid. Even though you want to please them, you cannot buy someone’s affection. VIRGO August 24 to September 23 A FRIEND or colleague’s behaviour starts to drain you. It will leave you feeling sad, but you might make the decision to see less of them in the future. Or at least until you feel less tired and more able to cope with their constant demands. SCORPIO October 24 to November 22 A NEED to be creative is tugging at your subconscio­us. You would never shirk your responsibi­lities but you’re tired of having to deal with serious concerns. You just want the luxury of being able to create something beautiful from your imaginatio­n. CAPRICORN December 22 to January 20 WHEN you see a genuine need in someone, you will always offer support. Your generosity towards someone will take them by surprise when they have always seen you as careful with cash and cautious about expressing emotions. PISCES February 20 to March 20 A FRIEND or neighbour will want to share a secret. What you hear might cause concern and you will want to keep it to yourself. The fewer people who know about this, the better. And you can’t be sure if the informatio­n you have been given is the truth.

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