Daily Star

Let everyone vote over Scottish independen­ce


❑ Little trouble maker Krankie bleating about independen­ce again. Did she not understand the first one? As Scotland is part of the Union, ALL union members should have a vote because it affects all of us. Maybe they will get the votes they want then. They won’t be able to manage without the rest of us, that’s why they have been subsidised for years. Bedford Boy

❑ Can someone tell one trick pony Jimmy Krankie Sturgeon that a once in a generation vote on independen­ce means exactly that. Not every 7 years. Cumbrian Kev

❑ Wee Kranky says if Scotland leaves the UK, Scotland will keep the Pound and the Royal Family. I would love to know how that works. Brian, Co.Down

❑ Apart from the fact people thought it would be funny to have Boris as PM they wanted him to get brexit done,

USA trade deals not happening, save £365 million a week not happening, immigratio­n at all time high and now an elysee source tells Macron Boris has said he is interested in joining the European Political Community Initiative, what was the point of brexit again? Mr.C

❑ that bloody hypocrite Boris Johnson. Is now saying we can’t wash ourselves or our clothes. My son works at the tip in Colchester. So he wants us to smell and wear dirty clothes. penny

❑ Putin is showing his true colours the man is a COWARD bombing civilian targets never should he be allowed on the world stage again. paul h scunthorpe

❑ Why are readers so quick to put one section of the hard-working and dedicated public services against another, but a willingnes­s to defend a family that has never worked. Then have the cheek to put this family against public sector workers looking after our loved ones and the most vulnerable in society. The Royals family is worth more than public sector workers. Well Charles, Andrew and Harry, I’m glad to be a republican. Andrew Nutt

❑ How can a music CD revival happen when hardly any cars these days come with a CD player as standard. I find playing CDs easier than trying to navigate through hundreds of songs via a USB on a screen or using Spotify. And they call this progress! Dave Cornwall

❑ Dodgy-dog an Floyd, are indicators those orange lights that flash on an off cos I’ve just found some on my VW. Hahaha. I use them all the time so don’t just blame those makes, Ford and French car drivers don’t know they are there either. MC Yorkshire

❑ Re-Tammy G, For Gods sake wolf whistling is just a bit of flirtatiou­s fun, and if Amanda Holden feels attractive when a hunky guy whistles to her then good for her. Wolf whistling is offensive if your a woke isn’t it? Dave

❑ So The Co Creator Of The Comedy Show is “apologisin­g” for the lack of diversity in “Friends”. That’s why I watched it, as a young person I related to the characters. There were shows on at the time where the main cast were black, are they apologisin­g? Wokism at its worst. Nj Mac

❑ Men SHUD NEVER compete in women’s sports. U know wot i mean don’t u??? Bantaman

❑ What a load of crap the Gooner Merson talks in his column. He’s jealous cos the Gooners never got Richarliso­n. THFC BIFFO

❑ So long as Hamilton decides to dress like a clown, he’ll always be treated as one. And what is Lampard doing selling his only player who knows where the goal is?

Ray, Keighley

❑ nice to see moneyball back – what a host ian wright is, he’s a breath of fresh air. billy

❑ sitting here this very happy morning, with my Derby County shirt & scarf on {THANKYOU Mr Clowes} a life long RAMS fan ! you’ve saved a huge club & family ....

Gordon {Uttoxeter}

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 ?? Dave Wolverhamp­ton ?? ■ Eastenders needs the lovely DENISE Van Outen to take over at the Vic when Danny Dyer leaves. She would soon get the viewing figures up.
Dave Wolverhamp­ton ■ Eastenders needs the lovely DENISE Van Outen to take over at the Vic when Danny Dyer leaves. She would soon get the viewing figures up.
 ?? ??

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