Daily Star

North isn’t a test ground for fracking


❑ rees mogg you want fracking to start how come it got to start up north an north east of england – why not start in london if it works, see where we go from there. billy

❑ Liz Truss defends the rich and cruel animal abusers as she refuses to ban fur and foie gras from the UK. Watch how those animals are killed and educate your pea brain Liz because your unwise decision is dangerous for innocent animals. Wise Ged

❑ what a shock, the government is going to help the bankers while the rest of us can starve or freeze. And no it is not just because they are tories, labour, liberal, green, would screw us all the same. The government is only there to facilitate the will of big business and its financiers, we are just useless eaters to them. John challenger

❑ Who’s idea was that to get out of the recession, starve the poor, bankrupt the phlebs, that should get rid of the f ##### g low paid who can’t afford to live now, was it you prime minister. Lawman

❑ Once any party gets Elected it gives them the power to FILCH + ROB the poor + working classes. Dont be fooled into thinking this will change by voting for different partys – it “definitely will not”. EBG

❑ The people of russia should revolt against this insane putin and put him in a padded cell for the rest of his days. hope he has alot of coffins ready sending untrained kids to front line. jeff

❑ Glad nat grid wasting money changing pronouns in legislatio­n wile we all suffer! ps, all parties look after selves, AVE dun for decades, waste of time, all of them. anon

❑ The welsh are to put a bedroom tax on holiday lets that will increase tourist payments on cottages. It’s cheaper to fly to spain when you look at price to rent for a week in wales or cornwall. Stockton jeff

❑ So the DWP have a day off for QUEEN funeral and disabled people have to wait 2 weeks for their cost living £150 then only some have it by October??? rs

❑ Will be interestin­g to see what prince philip’s take on UFOs were, should his dossier be revealed to the public. THE SAUCERER

I agree with alan in teeside: uk lotto should b run by british firm with profits going to british people. I also agree with james in hove it’s about time we stop giving money to counties like china who then spend it on space programs. PCW

❑ Good to see Laurence Fox standing in for Nigel Farage on GB News. One of the guests on Thursday’s show was a “Tarquin” from Insulate Britain, and Laurence gave him a really good grilling! Dave Pinfold, Stockport

❑ Vacuuming, the type of job that you pick up as you go along. Stewart&Geoff, Tursdale, Co.Durham

❑ ref cheering at funerals: FA has set precedent by asking people 4 a mins applause at footy games so confusion now ensues. Jeff.

❑ The Masked Dancer on Sat, it’s fairly obvious that ‘Scissors’ is the lovely Jay Aston from Bucks Fizz. I’d recognise that incredible figure anywhere! Luv u Jay! DG

❑ I owe so much money to my herb seller that he’s threatened to send round the “bay leafs”. tony worksop

❑ Charities: what’s next spot the ball ran by the blind institute! Adopt this, adopt that, you can adopt me if you like. SUNNY JIM

Has anyone else got nicknames for their neighbours? PUBLUNCH

If knees bent the other way what would chairs look like. pete the blade

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