Daily Star

Don’t compare being King to grafting until you’re 70


❑ More aged 70 and older hold down a job: Stuart Lewis who is head of Rest Less says look at King Charlie who is still working at 74. In God’s name man what planet are you on when you compare Charles who has never washed up a cup and saucer to a man who has done hard manual Labour all his life and is lucky to reach retirement age. All this comparison between a man who has grafted all his life to a man who has to be dressed and mollycoddl­ed 24 hrs a day is totally UNBELIEVAB­LE. It’s like this, put a new car in a garage for 74 yrs and never use it and it will last another 74 yr. TOD

❑ The Monarchy is now a joke having Charles the cheat as King and Camilla as any kind of Queen will have Princess Diana turning in her grave. Dave Cornwall

❑ The monarchist and the republican cases are both rubbish, but the monarchy is what we have. David Lindsay

❑ On Dis Day. 6.5.23. God Bless N Protect R Mighty King Charls N Queen Camilla. Jayne xx

❑ I for one am not the slightest interest in The Coronation. And will probably watch a couple of films instead. How about you? Sue T.

❑ sir keir must resign if he had links to sue gray during partygate probe into boris johnson. tim in manchester

❑ i see the ripple affect of the banking collapse in the U.S.A. Has affected a bank in the north of scotland, the old clydesdale bank in thurso. g macgregor, gateshead

❑ The coronation the same week as local elections in england that gives the tories a chance to do better at the polls all that flag waving plays right into their hands with the public as they forget just how terrible the gov really are. dd

❑ dd: The reason people do not mention people on universal credit not going on holiday is because some people who work all their lives like me cannot always afford to go on holiday. I worked through three day weeks during miners strike and had to go into work when sick because I didn’t get paid. So please, if you can afford to go on holiday, go for it but do not expect others to pay for it. Apologies to some people that may be offended that Struggle, but life is not a gimmee. Yorkie Bri.

❑ Government want us to eat venison to keep numbers down. They are the toffs who abuse the country big time. If that’s the case free up the poor on food bank then and help them out. You control it and give venison out as a gesture of the conservati­ves. And give something back to help. Bazza 180

❑ re: Lawman/ Duffy dog collars: I had one for my dog and they didn’t shock her or electrocut­e her, they just made a vibrating noise that distracted her from doing what she was doing. A dog sometimes is hell bent on doing what it wants to do rather than what you want it to do. There’s no pain of any kind, it’s purely a noise that grabs their attention away from bad behaviour {in my dog’s case}. After many hours of “dog class”, the head trainer recommende­d it to me, and it worked first go. She behaved perfectly. In the end I didn’t need it anymore. No smacking or shouting, how was this cruel?

Bedford Boy.

❑ I have a paper driving licence and will continue to use it right up to my 70th birthday on 2nd June when I MAY supply them with photo – if I can find somewhere to do me a photo in their fuss-arse style! Waste of time/money. Underhand compulsory identity, no thanks. anon

❑ Stockton Jeff: paper licenses are still legal until you reach 70 then when you renew it will have to be a picture one and they will knock a few categories off. wakey lad

❑ Re Dennis Fitzgerald: save up your junk mail, go to the nearest mail box and dump it back on them. If it’s not addressed to you it’s not for you. Irish dave dock

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