Daily Star

Ex-city folk turn village into a yuppy commune


❑ glyn deal, that sounds very familiar, somewhere being ruined by London incomers. My village is unfortunat­e to be close enough to that city that we are now almost completely taken over by london people. they move in, take over all commities, get on the parish council and push all the locals out. they moan about church bells, moan about farm machinery, straw in the road at harvest and all those facts of rural life, they have wrecked our community and turned our village into a yuppy commune. john challenger

❑ We need policy based politics. In political interviews and speeches we just aren’t hearing anything about party policy from Labour, in particular. I’m not interested in image and the superficia­l. I couldn’t care less if the party leaders have angelic qualities and every day they help old ladies (and men) across a busy road, or whatever type of puff we’re meant to focus on. It should be about policies. Please don’t allow British politics to recede into vacant nonsense. Louis

❑ Should it come as a surprise that the Goverment have lied once again by back tracking on its promise to scrap the thousands of EU laws by this yr after we became a SOVEREIGN COUNTRY. It’s one lie after another by a Tory GOVERMENT who will be brought to account by the Electorate for betraying us regarding numerous promises. Start looking for new careers now you Tory MPs because who in their right state of mind can ever vote for LIARS. Tod

❑ Jim sokol: totally agree, not bothered about what unelected prime minister and his deaf government think and also house of lords should be abolished, but come on, rejoin the EU, you have got to be absolutely joking or stark raving mad. The EU would make it a lot worse for us as they would show the rest of the bloc what happens if you dare to leave, we have left, and its gonna take time to get things right again. Rome wasn’t built in a day, neither will be a better free from the EU Britain. MC Yorkshire

❑ If we finished up like USA having a president, not a king we could get a mad man like Trump how bad that would be. Stockton jeff

❑ These railway workers? on 60k a year. put them a nurses wage, then pay the nurses that. cheeky b&@&@?s wanting a pay rise. im on min wage and do more work than them. Shekey from Bradford ❑ re: Cumbrian Kev, Fri, totally agree with you about taxes being wasted putting up people in hotels and barges. When I left home the council refused to find me somewhere to live as they assessed me as leaving a safe place voluntaril­y. So I ended up living in a caravan for 2 years. So how come the councils don’t apply the same rules to the boat loads being given the red carpet treatment and being financed by us tax payers? Am I bitter? You bet mate! Bedford Boy

❑ Ed, going back in time to Ironbridge car boot sale, my friend rob did security at the site, he found an half eaten sheep on site, a dog would not have been able to inflict such injuries, so it had to be a panther, probably someones pet released in to the forest area after law changed in the 60s. LAWMAN

❑ RIP Leroy Cooper the light u shone will remain in our hearts forever. Scousemum

❑ Colin j l must be one of those moronic poodles! If you believe they put a man on the moon in 1969 over 50 years ago, why isn’t there a McDonald’s on there by now? TC Stokey the pictures weren’t the best because Elvis wasn’t too good with the camera. Nastycol

❑ So pleased to read that opposites really do attract, all I have to do now is find a young, attractive woman. Pompeyjohn

❑ was told I could b an effluencer. I said don’t u mean influencer. they said no u speak a lot of sh * t. Phil Southend

 ?? Flaming Keith ?? ■ Can we we have a picture of the talented Michelle Keegan?
Flaming Keith ■ Can we we have a picture of the talented Michelle Keegan?

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