Daily Star

Backpacker­s look set for Himalayas!


❑ What is it with these people walking around with enormous backpacks strapped to them? Whether you’re on the tram or the train, the pub or the shop, or just walking you can guarantee that the backpacker will barge into you without so much as a by your leave. I understand that people need to carry things around but some of these heavily-laden mules look as though they are about to embark on a three-month trek over the Himalayas. Is it really necessary to lug such a massive lump on their backs like some human snail attached to its shell. Peter Flynn, Sheffield

❑ Parts of England have a shortage of dentists which beggars belief in a so-called first world country. The government now plans on bringing in foreign dentists without formal checks. Believe it takes about five years to train a dentist in the UK? Cutting corners is not the answer, all that does is make a bad situation worse. Britain has one crisis after another due to poor leadership. The people of Britain deserve a decent government that represents them. Don’t expect representa­tion from Labour or the Conservati­ves,they both need extracting. Richard Mikula

❑ Another TORY cabinet minister allegedly failed to declare football match hospitalit­y (albeit ‘apologisin­g saying it was an oversight’) the guest of an acquaintan­ce whose fashion company benefited with a 164m PPE contract after a referral from the minister. A VIP lane was set up to give fast track treatment to bids from companies connected

with the party which was later ruled illegal by a high court judge. An independen­t review re ‘VIP’ PPE Contracts would’t go amiss would it? Brian Linford Pontefract ❑ Congratula­tions to ITV and all those involved in the making of Breathless. Harrowing in the extreme but brilliantl­y told as it was. Heartbreak­ing. Johnson and Handcock have blood on their hands. Liars both and should be bought to justice. Little Erns Missis

❑ It is absurd that bog roll has been taxed as a “luxury” while Rishi Sunak’s helicopter­s are classified as “essential”. I am sure if our Prime Minister conducted a survey people would prioritize loo paper over choppers. Navdeep Rehill

❑ Most of the things with a reduced or zero VAT rating are essentials but VAT has never been a tax on luxuries and adults need clothes but there is VAT on them. The tax on toilet paper does not add up to much and if it was axed it seems unlikely the price would be reduced to stimulate demand as we would buy the same quantity. Rupert Fast

❑ Ed, why the surprize that the consevativ­es have put vat on toilet rolls & not helicopter­s, they’ve been making an arse of themselves for nealy 14 years. Laurence

❑ So a judge in this country allows a criminal to stay here cos he’s forgotten how to speak his native language, wouldnt have been easier to send him bk home to have lessons on how to speak that language? bob.b.

❑ Lyle’s Golden Syrup becomes the latest brand to get a woke makeover, with the traditiona­l lion logo being replaced by a new graphic that has been “revitalise­d for the modern UK family”. This woke nonsense is ruining our traditiona­l brands as well as our culture. Dave Pinfold, Stockport

❑ the Spanish who want to fine British people for staying with family or friends if nobody went to Spain would soon realise if they do it we should do the same thing and charge them £50 a day to stay in Britain. anon

❑ if Spanish want to charge British people to enter their country we should boycott it nobody go for holiday there. wisewelshm­an

 ?? Aimez ?? Dua Lipa’s hits are the best, she’s on a roll. Love Training Season.
Aimez Dua Lipa’s hits are the best, she’s on a roll. Love Training Season.

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