Daily Star



US PRESIDENTI­AL pooch Commander ★ is in the doghouse after biting secret service agents 24 times.

As we revealed yesterday “Sleepy” Joe Biden’s Alsatian has now been im-pooched.

★ But he’s not the only pet of a world leader to get their paws rapped as KIM CARR reveals…

BARNEY: His owner made a few bloopers in his time in office and the pooch of ex-US President, George W Bush sure did as well. The Scottish terrier bit Reuters TV journalist Jon Decker’s finger when he made the mistake of trying to pet him in 2015 as the dog was being walked in the White House grounds.

DILYN: When it was all over for Boris Johnson as PM, it wasn’t only his reputation left in tatters. His Jack Russell-cross caused chaos at Chequers, chewing on antique furniture and books, and notched up a four figure repair bill. So annoyed was Bozo he apparently growled: “Will somebody shoot that f***ing dog”. Dilyn also caused a stink when he cocked a leg over a senior aide’s handbag after they put it down in the garden at 10 Downing Street. He took a fancy to a stool made from the foot of an elephant shot by former US President Teddy Roosevelt and was caught humping it, and then during a foreign affairs meeting dumped a stinky poo.

PETE: As he was doing his US Presidenti­al duties of showing French ambassador Jean Jules Jusserand around the White House, Pete, the bulldog belonging to Theodore Roosevelt, above, chased their guest and tore his trousers. The dog also nipped naval officers, cabinet ministers, diplomats and cops and was eventually exiled to the family’s Sagamore Hill home.

SUSAN: Queen Elizabeth II’s corgi became the matriarch of the royal corgi line when gifted to her at the age of 18. Ruling the roost she joined Lizzie and Prince Phillip on honeymoon and in their bedroom and also left an inch-long gash in the leg of royal clock winder Leonard Hubbard. Guardsman Alfred Edge ended up in hospital when a nip from Susan went septic.

LARRY AND FREYA: In 2012 it was paws at dawn when David Cameron’s cat Larry and Chancellor George Osbourne’s moggy Freya had a fight outside No 10. A whack in the throat saw Larry slink back indoors to sulk in the window.

CODRUT: Feeling frightened during a visit last year from the Austrian president Alexander Van der Bellen, the rescue dog of Moldovan president Maia Sandu bit the leader on the hand as he tried to pet him. The pooch lost a leg after being hit by a car when a stray.

KAIYA: Benjamin Netanyahu’s mixed-breed dog was quarantine­d under Israeli law in 2015 for biting two guests at the PM’s Hanukkah candle-lighting party. She had bitten her owner five months previously leading to a rabies shot.

YUME: At a meeting with Japan’s PM Shinzo Abe, who gave the Akita breed to Putin for his support after the 2011 earthquake and tsunami, the despot admitted to him: “She can bite sometimes.”

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BITE STUFF: Bozo and Dilyn. Right, Biden and Commander. Below, Putin with Yume. Below right, Abe & pup
■ BITE STUFF: Bozo and Dilyn. Right, Biden and Commander. Below, Putin with Yume. Below right, Abe & pup

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